When Hate Goes Mainstream. What It Feels Like Driving a Tesla Today.


I instantly became a fan of Tesla after I took my first test drive of the Model 3 in the spring of 2019. After experiencing how technologically advanced the car was and how much fun it was to drive no other vehicle even came close. Even though, at the time, purchasing a Model 3 felt like a far-off dream immediately after the test-drive I decided that, some day, I’d have a Model 3 as my daily driver.

Fast forward to March of 2022, sitting on the couch of our Airbnb in the high desert of Sedona, Arizona I very nervously clicked “purchase” on Tesla’s website and then had to patiently wait until August of that year to take delivery.

The last, nearly, three years have been trouble-free and mostly maintenance free. I’ve paid for a new 12v battery, windshield washer fluid, and a tire rotation. As an added bonus I’ve saved a significant amount of money in gasoline and regular maintenance costs associated with ICE vehicles.

Since becoming a Tesla owner (and investor) I’ve become keenly interested in what the company is up to–the short answer is a whole lot! There’s been so much innovation in the last three years that it’s been hard to keep up. Since I took delivery of my car Tesla has released a refreshed version of the Model 3, the CyberTruck, and also a refreshed version of the Model Y.

They’ve announced CyberCab, RoboVan, and the Optimus Robot.

All the while they’ve been rapidly improving their Full Self-Driving (FSD) feature to the point that many report it’s now becoming more capable than a human driver, and will soon surpass that benchmark.

What’s shocked me most over these three years isn’t the innovation itself, but how little positive attention Tesla receives. Mainstream media and the government often downplay or outright distorts the company’s achievements, leaving most people unaware of what Tesla is truly accomplishing—or what it stands for. For those of us paying attention, free from the fog of media bias, it’s painfully clear how often Tesla is overlooked by a government that should be hailing it as a triumph of American ingenuity.

Of course, Elon Musk’s recent political activity hasn't helped the situation. For roughly half the world, his actions have soured perceptions of Tesla, massively amplifying the cultural tendency to politicize everything. Coupled with a relentless media smear campaign against him, it’s like dumping jet fuel into the dumpster fire of disinformation.

Lately, though, something darker has emerged. I’m starting to feel uneasy driving my own car—not because of the Model 3 itself, which remains flawless, but because of the growing hostility from the public.

Tesla forums are buzzing with reports of vandalism: keyed cars, smashed charging stations, trashed showrooms. Cybertruck owners seem to bear the brunt of it—their angular, futuristic trucks triggering overactive middle fingers, hate, and outright destruction. I read the stories and many of the people who drive these cars have had to work unbelievably hard to get them. You’d never know it by what you hear in the media but the majority of Tesla owners aren’t wealthy influencers or entitled tech-bros, they’re regular working people.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: something feels deeply unsettling about the direction this country—and the world at large—is heading. As long as the powers that be can keep us arguing and fighting amongst ourselves they have an almost immeasurable amount of power to shape and color our perceptions of reality. The only ones who can rectify this are you and I.

For me, this amazing vehicle isn't some personal political statement, it's an incredible way to get from Point A to Point B. I know a large portion of people who drive these cars feel the same way.

In the meantime I’ll keep smiling and waving at those occasional one-finger salutes I get in traffic. With the way things are going, if that’s all that I experience I guess I’ll consider myself lucky.

I pray that we can pull ourselves out of this cultural tailspin. If not, all the innovation in the world won't save us.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well, make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

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Dang, it's a shame that they can't disengage from Elon. He has become their biggest liability. I was always neutral about him even after he effectively destroyed twitter but after the salute I'm like, Sheesh, nah.


Elon is definitely a polarizing figure and always has been. Half the world thinks he destroyed Twitter, the other half believe that he saved Twitter and free speech. This is an example of how dangerous the waters we're treading in really are.


Hope your Tesla is safe always :) You're right, of course. It just shows how far away we've slipped from each other, I think. I wonder what keying some random stranger's Tesla or in some other way defacing it is supposed to do for you. Or for fighting Elon's "fascism". Bunch of stupid people seeming completely at ease inside their own stupidity, sounds like to me.


Thank you! We'll see if my lucky streak continues. : ) I totally agree. The inability for people to think clearly and come to their own conclusions these days are frightening. If you're on one side, the other side is totally wrong. The demographic that are vandalizing are like robots who do whatever the Associated Press and social media influencers direct them to do. Granted, there's some of this going on on the other side as well. Intellectual laziness is at epidemic levels I suppose. I understand how people can be frustrated with the state of our world right now but misdirected aggression solves not a single thing. Just like the uproar about DOGE's actions. Why in the world would anyone be outraged by a group of individuals who are exposing government waste and corruption? It makes zero sense to me. The real enemies of the people are the corrupt politicians (both sides) and our ineffective bureaucracy that's been bleeding us dry for decades.


Frankly, I don't think people think that far. I think a lot of people are getting increasingly used to taking snippets of info at face value. DOGE = bad. Okay, noted, moving on. Unfortunately. It will become that much easier to corrupt and manipulate if people get it into their heads that equates being well-informed.


True, they don't get beyond the "triggered" stage. I saw today a sitting US Senator was spreading disinformation via their social media account about how Elon (DOGE) was planning to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. Thank God for Community Notes on X correcting her by countering with the fact that DOGE was seeking to eliminate fraud within those programs so as to make the programs solvent. This still didn't prevent people from being outraged and amplifying it.


Elon doesn't need any media to smear him he does it very well himself. Someone who addresses the Polish Min. of Foreign Affairs like that deserves every bad thing that happens to him and his firms. I used to be a big fan of Elon, but he seems to have gone completely nuts .


Although I don't agree with all of Musk's actions I don't think the average consumer who purchases Tesla products with their own hard-earned money deserve to have their property destroyed. That was my focus with this post.


I agree with you. The interesting thing here is a thing called "dominance": the mere possibility that someone might vandalize their car if they choose a Tesla might make some people opt for a different brand and thus hurt Tesla sales.


And there in lies the truth and another hidden one not mentioned. Elon wouldn't have diddly squat if it weren't for the laborers. If the laborers took their full cut and not have it go to "profits" for the big man. I have nothing against Elon on his own. He's a normal human like the rest of us who happened to have grown in a satanic ritual infested family along with the other elites. He's probably involved in it or isn't and doesn't go into it because, he's a multi billionaire what does he care? Karma will come around.

If anyone had that much power as he in money alone, most people wouldn't hesitate to "do what's good for humanity".

Good intentions paving the road to you know where.

All musk did was posted a fact of yhe matter and reminded someone where their place is.


All individuals who climb to positions of power in politricks are not ones to be trusted and not to be taken seriously. Those who climb to this are scum. Not by my say so, but by what the essence of what politic's foundations are laid upon and grow out of of. A superstition called authority also known as the moral right to own slaves, ie the right to rule. It's absurd and ridiculous and the world would be a better place without all those cultist ideals, forced onto others.

Edited content


Amen. I think the power and the political system itself naturally attracts those with sociopathic tendencies. It will transform a lot of the well-intentioned into sociopaths as well. Politics has probably always been this way but it seems so much worse now.


Funny, nowadays even a car can become a political statement when it’s really just a way to get around. The vandalism part is just too much man. Imagine hating a car so much you destroy it. I think people need to chill


Yes, it's scary that the media can override people's sense of decency and civility--making them rationalize that destroying someone else's property is making any kind of difference.


that's the saddest part, they have actually rationalized this 🤦🤦🤦 where's reasoning


I hope none of that hateful vandalism gets to your Tesla. Elon's Tesla is really doing well but it's a pity the media has failed to recognize it. I guess it's largely due to Elon Musk's political alignment and his vocality on certain societal issues. Not to worry, Tesla will soon start getting the attention it deserves.


Thanks, so far so good. I think about it every time I park though. So far, the Model 3 hasn't been the main target the CyberTrucks have. I think, mainly, because the media is focusing much of their negative attention on this model.


Good afternoon dear friend @ericvancewalton

How great that you have been able to access this vehicle and are enjoying all its features, and best of all, you have made an excellent investment and are saving money on fuel and maintenance

It is true that this company is doing many positive things, and that the media does not give it the importance it deserves

Have a happy start to the week dear friend


That is just horrible and heartless!
Unbelievably stupid that you and other innocent Tesla owners are now becoming the victims of vandalism!


Thanks Lizelle. It's a very dangerous world we live in right now. I only hope people come to their senses before it's too late.


I really hope so. it's just crazy how people can get swept up like this! Mob mentality seems to be contagious in the world we live in!


Mob-mentality is right! You hit the nail on the head. People tend to shed lots of IQ points when they gather in large groups.


Now you've hit the nail on the head Eric, 100% true!


Tesla have innovated and driven EV adoption, but you can blame Musk for any abuse you get. He doesn't need to praise fascists and act so nastily, but he chose to. I think the guy needs help.

With Trump saying he'll buy a Tesla (only one?) his fans must be in a quandary as they have been told EVs are bad and Trump has been removing chargers.

Have you considered getting a sticker?



I don't agree with not holding the vandals themselves accountable for their actions. No matter what a person's opinion of Musk is I don't believe it gives them the right to harm someone else's property or absolve their responsibility for their own actions—just as I didn't agree with the destruction of the US Capitol building on Jan 6, 2021. I get peoples' frustration but this behavior is so misguided.

I recently read a father's social media post pleading with people for advice on how to save his college age daughter. She was caught up in one of the recent protests of a Tesla dealership and did some major damage to a Cybertruck. Sentry Mode was on in the truck so the owner had video of the entire incident. She was facing a serious felony charge as a result. Her entire life will be altered from that point forward if she's convicted. Here in the US if you're a convicted felon you can never travel outside the borders, vote, or hold certain jobs. The best advice that he got was to hire the best attorney he could afford to try to get the charge reduced to a misdemeanor.

I've seen several variations of those stickers on Teslas around town. It's their right to put those on their cars but I'd never do it myself. I think it's sad we live in a world so divided that we have to advertise our beliefs on our bumpers to lessen our odds of having our property damaged. I think back to previous decades and how crazy something like that would sound twenty years ago.

Are the populace in England as divided as we are in the US? We've seen a lot on the American news about anti-immigration sentiment there but I haven't talked to anyone directly about it.


I am not condoning the violence or damage that people are perpetrating around this. I was just saying that it is the actions of Musk that have inspired it as the actions of Trump inspired the events of Jan 6.

There is discussion here around forms of protest such as the climate protesters who have vandalised company buildings. I have issues with that, but peaceful protest should always be possible. Some climate protesters have been arrested when being peaceful, e.g. sitting in roads, but farmers protesting about tax changes were allowed to drive their tractors into London and cause disruption. I am concerned about some actions of the Labour government even though they align much more with my beliefs than the Conservatives. The 'left' is not what it used to be.

From what I have seen the US is more divided, but then it may just be that I see more reports and many people are not that worked up about politics. You will not see so many overt signs of political allegiance here (no MAGA hat equivalent), but you are likely to see things like pro-Palestinian badges. I know people who are Conservative voters and they may even praise Trump, but I'm not falling out with them unless they say hateful things.

UK political attitudes may just be different to the US. I do think that certain elements have been trying to make politics more divisive, e.g. Nigel Farage.

I grew up in an area with a lot of Indian, West Indian and other nationalities and there was little friction there. It does flare up at times. Farage has been responsible for some of that and Musk stirred it too with comments about Starmer etc.

I have to wonder what more 'traditional' Republicans think of the state of their party since Trump took it over. I have heard that current members of Congress get threats if they step out of line. I have listened to The Rest Is Politics podcasts that have featured Anthony Scaramucci. He is very much against his old boss.

We live in 'interesting' times.


I see, I appreciate the clarification.

I don't think peaceful protestors should be bothered. I've also seen some news reports about how people are being rounded up by the police for their social media posts over there but I'm not sure how accurate or prevalent that is. The global news coverage we see here is so heavily spun one direction or another it's hard to trust. My impression of England, and most of Western Europe, was always one of cultural acceptance and harmony—or at least much greater than we have here in America.

Regarding what traditional Republicans think...it seems like a majority of politicians on both sides have thrown their moral compasses out the window, quite honestly. Their only allegiance is to the one with the power to affect their personal political/financial futures. There are a few who still try to do the right thing but those in power threaten to "primary" them (kill their chances of re-election) so they just end up towing the party line.


Some people were arrested over social posts, but they had to be threatening violence for that to happen. It has happened in various cases, but such laws need to be carefully managed. I know Musk has said he is a 'free speech absolutist', but may take down criticism of himself and most countries have laws around libel and threats.

I see Musk as a threat to US/world stability in various ways. He wants to disrupt and is being allowed to get his way, for now. Don't get me started on the idiocy of Trump...

It is easy to get dispirited about politics, but we need to find signs of hope. Change needs to be peaceful, but divisions are not easily healed.


That sounds much more rational than what the news and social media posts are saying about it over here. They're claiming people are being arrested just for posting their disagreement with certain immigration policies. That didn't seem like it could be true and is a good example of how the truth can be twisted for certain ends. Some American media outlets would have us believing England has slipped into full-on Orwellianism. Yes, I've seen Musk take down certain posts on X and deactivate accounts. I agree, that is very hypocritical of someone claiming to be a free speech absolutist.

I'm growing to fear the increasing ability of the media to cloud peoples' perceptions every bit as much as I am extreme politicians. Change doesn't have to be, and shouldn't be, destructive. I still think, if pressed, most people would realize their positions on most issues are moderate. Lets hope people come to their senses. I hope it's still possible for America to heal itself.


@themarkymark: Your Scam Farm Empire with @buildawhale Exposed—When Will You Stop Destroying Hive?”

Meta Description:
Bilpcoin uncovers @themarkymark’s abuse of Hive’s reward system through @buildawhale’s scam farm. The evidence shows years of corruption funded by @blocktrades’ delegations.

To @themarkymark:

You’ve had years to change your ways, yet you continue to exploit Hive’s reward system. Let’s break it down:

1. The Evidence Against You

The blockchain doesn’t lie. Here’s how you’ve been abusing Hive:

a. @buildawhale’s Daily Grift

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    Over the past 2 hours, @buildawhale generated over 270 HP for spam posts like this.

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    2.4M HP delegated from @blocktrades97% borrowed, not earned. Wallet Proof.

b. Self-Voting and Alt Abuse

c. Years of Corruption:

From vote selling to scam farming, your abuse has gone unchecked.

2. @blocktrades’ Role in Enabling Scams

Why does @blocktrades delegate 2.3M HP to @buildawhale?

  • Delegation Breakdown:
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    These delegations fund spam farms, centralize power, and steal rewards from creators.

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You claim to care about Hive, yet:

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The Irony:
You lecture about morality while enabling scams. Transactions don’t lie—you’re part of the problem.

4. The Community’s Wake-Up Call

Hive’s integrity is at stake. Every curation reward from @buildawhale’s bot votes:

  • Steals from creators.
  • Centralizes power.
  • Normalizes abuse.

Action Steps:

  1. Audit the Scam: Check @buildawhale’s activity log for spam comments.
  2. Demand Accountability: Ask @blocktrades why he funds scam farms.
  3. Spread Awareness: Share this post and tag honest users.

Final Message to @themarkymark:

Keep pretending you care about Hive while enabling and operating scam farms. The blockchain has already recorded:

The Truth Hurts:
You’re a puppet for scam farms. We’re here to fight for Hive’s integrity.

#HiveBlockchain #ScamFarmsExposed #DownvoteCartel #Bilpcoin #BlockchainTruth

Transactions don’t lie. The evidence is here—investigate it.

The Bilpcoin Team



@themarkymark: Your Scam Farm Empire with @buildawhale Exposed—When Will You Stop Destroying Hive?”

Meta Description:
Bilpcoin uncovers @themarkymark’s abuse of Hive’s reward system through @buildawhale’s scam farm. The evidence shows years of corruption funded by @blocktrades’ delegations.

To @themarkymark:

You’ve had years to change your ways, yet you continue to exploit Hive’s reward system. Let’s break it down:

1. The Evidence Against You

The blockchain doesn’t lie. Here’s how you’ve been abusing Hive:

a. @buildawhale’s Daily Grift

  • Curation Rewards from Spam Posts:
    Over the past 2 hours, @buildawhale generated over 270 HP for spam posts like this.

  • Total Power:
    2.4M HP delegated from @blocktrades97% borrowed, not earned. Wallet Proof.

b. Self-Voting and Alt Abuse

c. Years of Corruption:

From vote selling to scam farming, your abuse has gone unchecked.

2. @blocktrades’ Role in Enabling Scams

Why does @blocktrades delegate 2.3M HP to @buildawhale?

  • Delegation Breakdown:
  • Impact on Hive:
    These delegations fund spam farms, centralize power, and steal rewards from creators.

3. The Hypocrisy: “Spam Fighter” vs. Scam Farmer

You claim to care about Hive, yet:

  • Enable Scam Farms: @buildawhale floods the blockchain with spam comments.
  • Exploit Poor Users: Use vulnerable creators to promote Hive while silencing critics.
  • Contribute Nothing: Your posts lack substance, yet you attack those exposing corruption.

The Irony:
You lecture about morality while enabling scams. Transactions don’t lie—you’re part of the problem.

4. The Community’s Wake-Up Call

Hive’s integrity is at stake. Every curation reward from @buildawhale’s bot votes:

  • Steals from creators.
  • Centralizes power.
  • Normalizes abuse.

Action Steps:

  1. Audit the Scam: Check @buildawhale’s activity log for spam comments.
  2. Demand Accountability: Ask @blocktrades why he funds scam farms.
  3. Spread Awareness: Share this post and tag honest users.

Final Message to @themarkymark:

Keep pretending you care about Hive while enabling and operating scam farms. The blockchain has already recorded:

The Truth Hurts:
You’re a puppet for scam farms. We’re here to fight for Hive’s integrity.

#HiveBlockchain #ScamFarmsExposed #DownvoteCartel #Bilpcoin #BlockchainTruth

Transactions don’t lie. The evidence is here—investigate it.

The Bilpcoin Team



I think there are a lot of people that don't like anything that goes against the status quo. Look at the (relatively old now) movie The American President. Even back then it pulled no punches about the sway the big three automakers have in the world of politics. Since everything is politicized to the nth degree these days, it isn't surprising we find ourselves here. Musk certainly doesn't make it any easier. Then you have the groups who have chosen to politicize electric cars and you have a whole group of people who hate them. I don't hate Tesla's. I've accepted the fact they can totally smoke me coming off a stop sign. That being said the truck is just ugly and impractical. I'm sure the tech is awesome, but I really feel like they missed the mark on that one. They could have totally made it attractive to the kind of people who actually use trucks, but they decided to go a different way.


You're right, most people abhor change and likely always have. I remember reading stories about how people railed against electricity and automobiles when they were first introduced. People thought electricity "leaked" from the outlets and the wires and caused them harm. The CyberTruck design is as polarizing as Musk himself. I like it myself but wouldn't own one. I appreciate some of the new tech that's been integrated into it like -- steer-by-wire, and the 48V architecture. I definitely don't think it works for people who need to tow. I think they were aiming at the demographic who use the trucks for regular transportation, occasional off-roading, and light hauling. Batteries just aren't advanced enough yet to make towing with an EV feasible. The Silverado and Hummer EVs come closer but their batteries are humongous and insanely heavy. The tech will get there but I think it'll take new battery chemistry.


Where's the Mr. Fusion when you need it right?


Funny how things changed, it used to be truck driving Maga people who hated Tesla vehicles, now it is extreme left.


That's true! He mentioned this on his recent appearance on the JRE Podcast. He said he went from being a lifelong moderate democrat to a right-wing extremist even though none of his stances or opinions have changed. Crazy world we live in.


It scares me how far a person's fanaticism can go!!!! While it is true that Elon's latest actions can be “confrontational”. One thing is him and quite another is his company, the development he has made for the world economy. First it was X, now Tesla. What can be next? My grandmother used to say: If you live with a criminal, people will think you are a criminal; but she also used to say: only when trees bear fruit, throw stones at them. I embrace you, my friend


Certainly! Yeah, I don't agree with everything Elon says or how he conducts himself sometime. He's an impulsive person, that can work in his favor sometimes and other times it comes back to bite him in a big way. Also, there's a clear history of people who get too close to Trump suffering greatly for it. I wish you a wonderful week! 63 degrees here today!


Yes, so crazy how people are. Tesla is a remarkable company and the vehicles are amazing, regardless of Musk's political views. It doesn't change the fact that those cars are legit!


I wish more people had the ability to make that distinction! Or at least realize that destruction isn't the answer to their grievances.


So true! How is destroying someone else's property going to solve anything? Many times people destroy others' property who actually have the same political beliefs as them, but ultimately cause that other person whose property was destroyed to rethink their political allegiances. Not that it should matter what someone believes politically wise, or how they believe religiously. What makes our country great is that we are supposed to have the freedom to think and believe in certain ways without persecution, but that many times isn't the case, well at least from a select few who ruin it for everyone. I just wish people could have more civil discourse, talk about problems without resulting to ultra temper tantrums when they don't get their way.


Amen! I fear what's going to happen to us if people don't begin using that thing between their ears. I even witnessed a U.S. Senator spreading blatant disinformation on X this morning and people were amplifying it because it fit their idealogical narrative. Crazy times. I don't see this ending well.


This is very disturbing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real psychological disease that is causing people to behave violently.


It is! I'm a lifelong democrat but the party has shifted so far to the left that I feel like I was totally abandoned. Where do you think the future of American politics is headed? I'm beginning to wonder if the only logical solution is two separate countries at this point—or a viable, more moderate, third party.


Yes, very sad @ericvancewalton:

"... massively amplifying the cultural tendency to politicize everything."

We can legitimately be concerned about when this will end. And how it will end. The trend has been in the wrong direction, at least IMO, for years.

Even sadder, as this is the desired effect:

"... not because of the Model 3 itself, which remains flawless, but because of the growing hostility from the public."


"... something feels deeply unsettling about the direction this country—and the world at large—is heading."

We can only hope that those of us who would prefer to focus more on what should unite us, rather than divide us, will ultimately prevail.


It's very frustrating to watch it all unravel. Anyone who is a student of history can pretty much see how this ends if we stay on the current course. We definitely need unity.


Very good, @ericvancewalton:

"Anyone who is a student of history ..."

I wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately, the word 'student' raises another sad topic, given how seemingly poorly educated so many people are about so much ...

Thank you for writing this post. And at least supporting our freedom of expression to discuss this issue. The people who you reference in it have no discernible intention of entering into an open, honest conversation. Rather they are focused on shutting it down. Using intimidation, force, i.e. whatever it takes to prevail.

We'll see what consequences follow these actions. Life lessons are (or at least should be) clear enough. If they are no consequences to this type of behavior, then it will likely get worse.


At this point, I don't really think any company can meet the demands of Tesla
