June Nighttime Sky Watching


I've always enjoyed the monthly What's Up NASA? short videos. Lots of good night sky celestial viewing during June for both plants and stars. I'm looking forward to later this month (June 20-22) when the Crescent Moon will be close to both Mars and Venus. I'm going to search for my binoculars to get a good look. Perhaps I'll even try my hand at some photography.

Video by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Link from their YouTube channel.

Our Tax Dollars At Work in a Wonderful Way

I appreciate that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory does these each and every month. Kudos to them for giving us the cliff notes version of all the good stuff happening out in space. I like to use each month's video to set up reminders on my calendar. Although I have been disappointed a time or two when clouds rolled in and spoiled any chance of catching some of these moments.

Country Living Bonus

Living out in the country where dark skies allow for maximum viewing is pretty darn awesome. No light pollution like we had in the big city. Another reason why I like this quiet country life.
