The Oracle || Perfect robot for those who would love to escape reality.


The capabilities of technology can not be underestimated, it has evolved beyond anyone's imagination, a product of human intelligence. thinking about this topic, a weird thought crossed my mind which has been there all along. it all bothers around a question, is there a better world ahead? a world with less suffering and pain, a world where humans could coexist without violence or blood shed. A world were human life is prioritised over wealth and power, a world where everyone will be proud about the colour of their skin. Can such a world exist in the nearest future? what if all hope placed in the future happens to be an illusion, after all nothing in the future is guaranteed. is there really a answer to all our problems if we keep moving forward?

I kept thinking of human existence so far, there has never been a moment without trouble or chaos, it might not be in your location but it is happening to someone somewhere you are not aware of. this kind of thoughts kept bothering my mind once in awhile whenever I think of the present and our hopes for the future. just to keep my sanity intact I just find different ways to erase such thought from my mind because there is no knowledge available on earth right now capable of providing the kind of answers I needed. So when I saw this topic, I felt what if there is way I could get all the answers I needed without stress.


𝖣𝖾𝗌𝗂𝗀𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗏𝖺

In the olding days, there is a particular traditional practice where people consult the Oracle to know about their future or get answers to whatever might be bothering their minds, what if a robot with similar ability could be created. it will be a long stretch or probably a fantasy but just what if such robot could be built. well the kind of robot I have in mind will do more than just answer questions about the future, Artificial intelligence can do that these days by calculating the variables in the present to predict the future.

If AI could do that I believe my kind of robot should able to do more. I'm sure you have heard of time travel, probably you saw it in the movie. it is mostly considered SciFi but the concept is all about some messed up scientific technology that gives human the privilege to travel back and forth into the the future or past. to witness multiple variations of what would be or wouldn't. exactly you guessed right the type of robot I have in mind and would love to create is a robot with the capabilities of a time travel. it will be able to perform this following functions and tasks:

  • 1) Travel through time: Almost every human is curious about the future and some are terrified by the uncertain nature of the future, We want to know if our present struggle is worth it in the future. We want to know the consequences of the decisions and choices we make in the present. What if a dying parent could be given the privilege to take a peek into the future to watch their children grow up and become successful, wouldn't they be at rest knowing everything will work out just fine after they are gone. what if a cure could be found in the future for those suffering from incurable disease? What if a child who lost his/her parent at a young age without any memories of them could take a look at the past and watch events that happened before they were born, wouldn't that be amazing. With this I will be able to find answers to my questions, not just answers I will get to watch it unfold, seeing is believing.

  • 2) Access multiple dimensions: What if there is a civilisation somewhere we are not aware of, a place where we could escape to when our present reality is too harsh to tolerate, a place alien to our imagination. a place most people would consider a myth, what is the point of living without experiencing such adventures.

𝖣𝖾𝗌𝗂𝗀𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗏𝖺

  • 3) Predict the future: We make all sort of ill fated choices everyday without knowing the outcome of it, what if there is a way we could find out. What if we are able to find out who is best fit for a public office, would that not save us from a lot of calamities that could occur as a result of incompetent governing personnel. would you not sleep at ease more often and worry less knowing you made the right decision.

These are few functions I could think of at the moment since it is just in my imagination 😅, it wouldn't look like much, I would not want it to be noticed or capable of performing any human function which could pose a threat to human existence later in the future. It would look like a Orb, circular or spherical in shape, just like the earth with colours that reflects the sky. from it looks and appearance only one thought would cross the mind of anyone privileged to witness this master piece, which would be The Oracle

This write-up was inspired by weekly featured content titled "Specific robot" in hive learners community.




Omo... These your plans ehn... It's like a two-edged sword. It can go one way or the other. Let's hope they end up being the best thing for humanity.


Yeah that is true, if such a robot should end up in the wrong hand the consequences will be disastrous.


Now this is a cool idea, I'm a sci-fi fan and time travel, multiverse and about future I'm always curious to know what's the reality and having a such robot is something enough to make you most powerful man on planet. Haha, I'd like to have one too. Wish it was possible.



If only it were possible, it would be such an amazing adventure to know what is beyond our present reality.

Thanks for stopping by 🤗


I'll prefer a robot that can predict the future 😂😂
that will be nice but it seems quite impossible, only if it can happen, a lot of things won't go wrong again lols.


Like I said, it is just imagination 😂

Thanks for stopping by 🤗


So what do you actually wanna create?
A robot that takes you into the past or future or a robot that tells you what has happen in past or what will happen in future????

Talking about inception of your blog, your all the inquisitive questions were right . Since our onset, we hunans have spread just chaos and hatred in the name of power, colour or creed. Every era of human journey is teemed with blood of its own specie


There is no point choosing, how about a robot that could do both, predicting the future is not enough but time travel is something is that will make the robot worth having. Imagine being privileged to watch history unfold.

Thanks for stopping by 🤗


Lol, if this robot of yours get built and the accuracy is even a 90% sure. The world will fall apart.

We want create things as humans but, there are somethings we shouldn't create. However, this is a very creative concept you have using the oracle technique. Well done!

Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. Happy Wednesday. A new day is here to bless us with it presence. I hope you are ready with that priceless laughter of yours to fill our ears rhythmically because you are a gem in our world. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.


when think of it, is there anything that has an advantage without disadvantages? Though it is just an imagination but I believe if it is used for the right purpose, it will be highly beneficial.

Thanks for stopping by 🤗



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Well done oo, I see you want to make the old days oracle go digital. Good luck on your plans



Yeah that is the plan.

Thanks for stopping by dreemer 🤗


This is a very creative concept but having the knowledge of the future would make some people make things worse in their attempt to change it.

Thank you for sharing.



Yeah that is true, there is nothing without an advantage that doesn't have a disadvantage.

Thanks for stopping by 🤗
