The Power of Propaganda

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new contribution and hope you had a day that brought some interesting experiences into your life! In this article I would like to address an serious topic and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.

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Propaganda also describes a technique that is supposed to influence people's behavior with the help of communication in order to direct them in a certain direction and it is about to anchor certain ideologies and the methods can vary depending on the target group and particularly well known is propaganda in politics. Propaganda has been used for centuries of years and in the original times it was about working with propaganda methods to spread the faith of certain religions more and over the centuries it was found that this can also be used in other areas and so it came to the fact that some recognized this and decided to influence people with this technique for certain purposes and so it came to the fact that uprisings were organized and a well-known example is the French Revolution. Propaganda in itself is only a tool and it depends entirely on how it is used and people can use it for both, positive or negative purposes and a typical example of propaganda is to trigger things too exaggerated and in this way in people's feelings and the mass is often incited against certain groups and this is usually done by making people publicly bad and giving the masses a reason to hate others and this ideology is usually strongly anchored in the heads so that the feelings are strongly influenced and it often leads to different kinds of feelings. Fear is also a typical propaganda tool and when people are afraid of certain things, the whole behavior is changed and decisions are made that would never otherwise be made and propaganda is often a slow process that does not happen overnight and over a longer period of time, more and more fears are spread and the feelings are also strengthened and often propaganda is used to influence the elections at the political level to generate votes for a certain party or politician.


Politicians often orient themselves to fears that are already present in society and begin to reinforce them more and promise that they would solve certain problems and only if people choose this person, these problems will be solved and if propaganda is used for electoral purposes, it is usually always about playing with certain fears of the population. Nowadays, people also often work with false information which is disseminated through the media to manipulate people in a certain direction and typically disinformation campaigns are created which are intended to be directed against certain people or groups in order to manipulate other people against them. Even in wars you can see how propaganda is used as a tool and this can also be seen as a strategy to denounce the opponent and to incite others against them and here it is usually deliberately worked with false information to send troops in certain directions and even when it comes to the term propaganda itself, some people have a wrong image and is often considered as a phenomenon of certain times, but it is still omnipresent and is used in various areas everyday. Even in the field of marketing, you often see how other opinions are displaced or fears are stirred up in order to persuade consumers to buy a product and people are more surrounded of propaganda than most would like to suspect and it is usually very difficult to recognize it and often it is worked with subliminal methods which makes it even more difficult to recognize them and it is a serious topic that surrounds people more often than some might think.

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Many thanks for stopping and I hope you could learn something new about this topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.
