Social Networks and the Psychology of Profiles


Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you to my new post and hope you had a day that brought some interesting experiences into your life! In this post, I would like to discuss social media and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.


In the digital world, a social network is also referred to as a system that connects users with each other and there is an exchange of various informations and it is a popular system which is used worldwide by private individuals or companies. Social networks are extremely interesting from a psychological point of view and probably one of the greatest phenomena of modern times and in the past, I have already gone into more detail about the psychology behind it and if you want to learn more about it, you will find my contribution here. In this post, I would like to focus more on what online profiles can say about individuals or groups about psychological behavior and a lot of personal data is stored in these networks and the online activity can say a lot about people as well as their feelings. On the basis of certain likes or pages that people share or follow, a picture can be made about the interests or attitudes of people and certain ideologies and often mental health can be associated with certain topics that people deal with. If a person likes sad pictures or quotes online, for example, you can assume that the state of mental health is currently not in good condition and also certain groups which are followed by people can specifically reveal which ideologies they are enthusiastic about or what attitude they have towards topics.


When people communicate with each other, this often happens publicly in comments and so it can be said what relationship certain people have to each other and also profile pictures already say a lot about the psychological state as well as the general behavior of the person and on the basis of the facial expressions, a lot can already be said about the psyche. Of course, it always depends on the person and the relationship to the public and the platform also has a huge influence on this and some platforms such as Hive can also be used anonymously, so not so much personal data is stored, but it always depends on the persons how much they want to reveal and with other platforms the whole topic behaves differently and much more data is stored and more data is also required during use. It also often comes to certain phenomena of mass psychology that influence some people, for example, by actions of others and social media have now also become a large field of research and it is definitely very interesting how much online profiles can say about the psychology of people. Of course, advertising companies have a great interest in this and a great advantage for advertisers is that almost everyone has an online profile and you can easily reach certain target groups with advertising and if someone share certain interests online, it is easy to analyze the consumer behavior and you can individually display people ads that are matching the own interests.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through my post and I hope you like it and can learn something new about this interesting topic!


You raise some very good points.
i also find it very funny how the internet knows more about a human's well-being than the human knows about themselves.

i like your posts very much and they are also one of the few that I read carefully.


Good to know that you are also thinking about it, often these are topics that are addressed too little and especially the psychological aspects around social networks are very interesting. It motivates me to hear that you appreciate what I do :)
