Effects of Sensory Overload


Good day dear Hive community, first of all I hope that you are all well and that you had a day that has been full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to talk about an interesting new topic and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.


A high number of sensory perceptions are also referred to as sensory overload or overstimulation and arise when too many senses equality have to work and these states can lead to the fact that the psyche is severely impaired and all the different perceptions can lead to symptoms and suitable for this topic, I have selected some images that can have a calming effect on the body. The fact that more senses have to be processed at the same time and thus an overload of the brain takes place faster than people oftewn think and, for example, you go outside and are first influenced by the light of the lantern, at the same moment there is also a car passing which makes noises and releases exhaust fumes which we breathe in and thus influence the smell as well as sense of taste and at the same time it is also a little cooler outside or the feet hurt from walking and in addition feelings are stimulated. This is a typical scenario in which all our sensory organs are active and at the same time have to process different things and the this happens so subliminally that you do not notice exactly that these changes of perceptions can lead to some symptoms such as stress, anxiety, lack of concentration and many more and at the same time a whole chain reaction is set in motion in our subconscious, which is responsible for the processing of these sensory perceptions. If only one of the senses is heavily stressed, it is rather less likely to influence the perception, but if all five have to work too hard, reactions occur fast and if you pay specific attention to certain body reactions in such moments, you quickly notice that these are typical sensory overloads and in addition, it can exacerbate existing symptoms of diseases and burden you additionally.



The generated symptoms such as stress lead to further side effects and it often goes faster than you think and the symptoms can also burden you for more days and often even new ones are added, but this often varies depending on the place and in cities it comes to this scenario faster and you are extremely quickly overstimulated and if you are already in this state, any further perceived stimulus can represent an additional source of stress. It can happen that we behave differently during sensory overloads and due to the generated stress, human can show aggressive behaviors and react much more sensitively and since the whole thing happens so spontaneously and unconsciously, it is not easy to keep calm or protect during such moments. Every person reacts differently to sensory overloads and especially babies or young people react particularly strongly and since they are not yet so advanced in development and perceive new perceptions as additional sensory overloads and also due to the influence of other people such as parents, children are usually more exposed to the overstimulation than they actually want. It is a complex and definitely not to be underestimated topic and most do not pay attention to such a thing and often have symptoms that they cannot classify and in research there are interesting approaches what happens at this moment and it was also found out that the human brain even often protects itself from such situations, but this natural protection mechanism is often severely limited by people's way of life and even in the long term, constant sensory overloads can lead to burnout, depression and other diseases that cannot be assigned to a pattern, since everyone individually reacts to it.



Thank you for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about this important topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.


I like both these colors very much but yellow is my favourite.
