A mysterious Primal force


Good day dear community, at the beginning I would like to welcome you all to my new contribution and hope you had a great start to the new week! In this article I would like to discuss an interesting topic and hope you are able to expand your knowledge a little.


For a long is already being puzzled about a mysterious primal or life force which is known under various names and the most common names include Odic Power, Prana, Essential Power, Orgon, Vril Energy, Universal Energy, Chi and many more. Regardless of what someone would like to call this energy, there is a common meaning which is also often associated with occultism and there are hundreds of authors who had dealt more closely with this topic in the past and researched a form of life energy and already from old traditions it is said that the inhabitants of Atlantis were already of the opinion that a primordial force must exist and Atlantis is often considered as the origin of a lot of secret knowledge. This form of energy fills the whole room and spreads in all directions and also penetrates every form of matter and this energy is able to generate changes in perceptions and is also often associated with zero point or vacuum energy and even when it comes to research in the field of scalar technologies, the topic is of great importance. Some people should be able to perceive this energy strongly while others do not react to it and some people react according to assumptions so strongly, that the senses are heavily stressed and some people feel a feeling of temperature fluctuations such as heat and cold waves or other symptoms. This energy is said to occur abundantly in nature and is also created by electrical or magnetic processes and according to some assumptions, this form is also present in the human body and when it unfolds, it resonates with the outside world and there is a principle of attraction or fusion with other people through this force. One of those who conducted a lot of research in this area was the researcher Carl Reichenbach (1788 - 1869) who described this energy as the Odic force and he named it after the god Odin from Norse mythology and he researched a lot with the biochemical processes in the human body and one day came across a form of energy that he could not explain from a scientific point of view. Other researchers such as the Austrian doctor Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 - 1815) who had done a lot of research in the field of magnetism and was already influenced by the Swiss alchemist Paracelsus also dealt a lot with this topic and there are numerous other researchers who have already dealt with this primordial force and if you take a look at different research results, you will notice that there are different names, but in the end it was always the same phenomenon.


Many thanks for stopping and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.


I've always been interested in the concept of a universal energy, The connection to zero point energy and scalar tech is a whole new angle for me im definitely going to have to dig into that. Have you had any personal experiences with this energy?


I think so too :) There are also many other names for it, but you always end up with the same thing. Good to know that you are also interested in the topic, if you want to learn more about Scalar waves, I can recommend this article from me here.
