Build a bright future and take charge of your career by unlocking the power of AI


It might be a controversial topic but ask my city friends I love causing trouble once in a while. And I don't mean to cause trouble with this article, nope, I just want to be able to convince you about the wonders that some of us might not be seeing with the advent of AI.
I know a lot of people feel it's going to be something that will take our jobs away, but, you have to give yourself a break, automation was a thing even before ChatGPT broke the internet. So you should probably have seen something coming and gradually prepare yourself for it. Even if you are going to scream that nothing prepared you for this, we are still pretty much early to this as we are to crypto so you have time to tune in and get yourself acquitted with this technology before everywhere breaks into robots and every other automated stuff you could think about.

For what's it worth, the internet is a useful resource for you to push yourself hard enough to get on board with the future that's staring at us in the face.

In the past, weren't you learning how you could tackle your search queries on Google so you could be able to get the right results on the front page? Of course, you were, until, Google had their algorithm working in tune with our needs by stealing our database and information through various means known to them and selling them off to advertisers. A move that made you have to sit your lazy self on your couch and type anything and Google knew what direction to point you to.
And what did that do to you? Of course, it made you grow lazy and you were no longer reading blog posts and buying courses that taught you how to use Google better to get better search results. It did not stop there, once you figured Google had hacked into the will of human nature, you decided to get yourself a piece of the cake and buy a site, started blogging, hoping to get a piece of it through AdSense and AdWords and any other cool names you guys gave to it.

All of this at some point you still needed to buy a course or sit hours and hours on your screen looking for the next tip on the space to make the most of your site views and visits so you could materialize and become the next millionaire or any numeric "naire" that was popular in your time.

And somehow out of nowhere, crypto strode along and gave you another breathtaking experience to catch the next big bag and finally send your family abroad or chill with the big boys. You first lived in denial of the internet money and soon, you saw a lot of people cashing out, and here you are looking for the next big course to consume that will point you in the right direction for the next airdrops and mooning tokens you can accumulate and explode out of your dreams.

Now, introducing another storm in the sea, AI is here, and what are you saying? This is out to take away my job, damn, get a hold of yourself, pick a feature of AI, and learn today. This will benefit you in the near future because the table might turn and instead of being the one buying the courses to amass the much-needed wealth, it would be you selling the dope courses online, with your Discord Servers and Community pages flooding with orders to buy now before they miss out of the future.

Yes, you heard me, AI will be the tool that you could need to hit that American dream, if that's still a thing though. And it's a technology that I did not only discover, you did too, because you see it everywhere on your social media feed, your Twitter space, in short, a lot of people have already positioned themselves as the experts on this one. And they are selling prompts and what have you on Twitter to get you in either their mailing list or as one of their social media followers and you help to boost their visibility with retweets, likes, comments, and so forth.

I am calling you today because tomorrow your job could be at risk. You do not necessarily have to tow this path so you can sell courses. There are a hell lot of things that you can do to make your job better with AI. Is it videos, stories, scripts, application letters, or resumes? Anything you desire is just a prompt away on your keypad or keyboard. Today is the day you sit down and learn to utilize AI because you might never know where your financial breakthrough will come from.

Source. Try out Pictory.AI for your videos here

And AI could help you build your dream future if you start today to learn at this early stage. You shouldn't be afraid of it taking your place, you should show AI you are the boss, learn how to use it and implement them to your benefit. Grow your already sulking social media presence. Write that sales pitch. Build that website. Run that video. Do whatever you want to do with it

As much as the internet had allowed us to be whoever we wanted, AI is here to give you more. This is going to serve you the freedom you desired because when the returns start racking in, the sky will not only be your limits, the world will hear about you.

So, go, build, and shine!
