Physics - Classical Mechanics - Archimedes' Principle and Buoyancy




Hey it's a me again @drifter1!

Today we continue with Physics, and more specifically the branch of "Classical Mechanics", in order to talk about Archimedes' Principle and Buoyancy.

So, without further ado, let's get straight into it!

Buoyant Force

When an object is submerged into a fluid, the fluid exerts an upward force to it. This force is known as buoyant force. Buoyancy (also called upthrust) is the exact reason why some objects float and others do not. So, the buoyant force is an upward force that's exerted on any object in any fluid.

Buoyancy is related to the increase in pressure with depth in a fluid. There is always a difference in pressure between the bottom and the top of a submerged object. The pressure from the top is of course less than the pressure exerted upward from the bottom.

If the force exerted through this pressure is greater than the object's weight the object will rise to the surface of the fluid and float. If it's less the object will start sinking, until it eventually reaches the bottom. So, the buoyant force is always present whether the object floats, sinks or stays suspended at the same depth (the force equals its weight).

Archimedes' Principle

Up to this point we only covered the basic concept of buoyancy. Let's now get into how we determine the exact value of the buoyant force.

The answer is given by Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an submerged object is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces:

Let's try to understand this equation better, by proving it!


The buoyant force is the net force acting upon the object. The pressure from the sides is cancelled out. And so, the only important forces are a force Fdown from the top that pushes the object down, and a force Fup from the bottom which pushes the object up. So, the buoyant force thus equals:

Relating these forces to pressure, yields:

Of course, in this calculations we are again talking about a cylinder. So, the final term can be replaced by the volume V of the cylinder. This volume also equals the volume of the displaced fluid. So, putting this instead yields:

And with that we've proven the principle!

Common Mistakes

There are some common mistakes that are made when applying the principle that need to be mentioned. The term ρ refers to the density of the fluid and not of the submerged object. The volume V refers to the volume of the displaced fluid, which doesn't necessarily have to be equal to the entire volume of the submerged object. Lastly, a common misconception is that the buoyant force changes with depth, which is not true as it's the same at any depth.

Relation with Density

The density of an object also determines whether it floats. If it's less than the surrounding fluid it will float. That's because the fluid with higher density contains more mass and thus more weight in the same volume. The buoyant force will therefore be greater than the weight of the submerged object.

The ratio of the submerged volume to the total volume of the object is defined as the fraction submerged:

Obtaining a relationship between the densities is now a simple substitution:

When floating the masses are equal and can be cancelled out, which yields:

So, if the density of the object is less than that of the fluid, some "part" of it will float. Otherwise, the complete object will be submerged, which basically means that the object will sink.






Mathematical equations used in this article, where made using quicklatex.

Visualizations were made using

Previous articles of the series

Rectlinear motion

Plane motion

Newton's laws and Applications

Work and Energy

Momentum and Impulse

Angular Motion

Equilibrium and Elasticity


Periodic Motion

Fluid Mechanics

Final words | Next up

And this is actually it for today's post!

Next time we will get into Surface Tension...

See ya!

Keep on drifting!

Posted with STEMGeeks


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