Why Not Legislate The Competition Out Of The Market
DeepSeek has been gaining a great deal of attention around the world lately and has established itself as a prominent AI chatbot with millions of downloads. But now there are moves being made in the United States to possibly restrict access to it.
It is one of the most downloaded apps in the world right now.
Now there is also a US Senate bill that would allegedly cut off imports and exports of AI tech from China, as well as ban companies in the United States from conducting research there, possibly even prohibit investment in AI tech companies too.
It is a move that many have criticized wondering why you would see legislative moves like this in a region that prides itself on the supposed freedom it upholds. Mind you, there will always be excuses when violations of liberty are proposed and it's always "for safety" it seems, isn't it? Is this going to give the US a leg up in worldwide competition just by banning projects that threaten to do better?
ban the competition
In this circumstance we have a few politically-motivated individuals choosing for the public which product should succeed rather than people voting with their actions and exercising their own liberty to make that choice for themselves.
Is it just a nation of children that need to be looked after because they cannot be trusted to make their own decisions as far as what chatbot they might want to use? These sorts of efforts to legislate competition out of the market under the guise of safety reek of condescension, among other issues.