Text to Video AI Sora

Sora is gaining a lot of attention recently for the ability to produce captivating video content based on simple text prompts. As a result of the abilities it has some artificial intelligence experts expressing concerns about the technological evolution we are seeing.

Why are some terrified at the prospect of how things might progress?

The generative artificial intelligence tool could be a more efficient and cost effective method of generating full video clips from basic text inputs.

We have seen this with images but now we are seeing more potential for video content too with efforts like Sora coming to market. Might we see more issues surrounding deepfake videos as this technology progresses? That has been one common fear that has been repeated on discussions over AI-generated content online.

Right now it seems it is open to a select group of creators to gain feedback on how they might move forward with the technology. It's allegedly intended to help creative individuals be better at what they do rather than being replaced altogether by what these sorts of tools are able to do.

Will this sort of video generated content fuel risks surrounding propaganda and bias? How impactful might this be in the film industry and for commercial purposes? There is great potential and especially given that it's likely to be greatly cost effective compared to traditional methods seen today to create video content.

