Save Hours By Using AI to Book Your Next Trip

For some they might book a vacation on a quick whim or maybe a drunken weekend, waking up in the morning surprised by the airline tickets they purchased and the hotel they booked.

There are other individuals will spend hours though on planning the perfect vacation, especially if there are a lot of activities or places they want to include which could make planning it all quite the time-sucking endeavor just to get everything booked right.

Why not turn to technology for help?

That is what some people have already done with AI programs that are available.

Soon there might be others who are also looking to get AI assistance in planning the perfect vacation.

Using AI to help book a vacation

In a recent test to see what recommendations might be suggested I looked to book a vacation around the activity of learning more about cryptocurrency. Maybe a good place to start with would be going somewhere that it could be widely used for goods and services to see real world scenarios of living by exchanging this way. This was one of the determining factors and suggested that it would be a good place to start if wanting to go on a cryptocurrency themed vacation that you go to a crypto community that is thriving.

A few of the areas suggested were Silicon Valley, Cali, Zug, Switzerland, and Tokyo, Japan.

These might not be the most obvious areas that come to mind when you think of cryptocurrency communities around the world today.

Previously, investigations into the widespread use of cryptocurrency has found that some cities have more of a crypto-friendly environment than others.

What is the best cryptocurrency vacation destination?

Other names that have been mentioned on this topic for places to go include regions like:

  • Madrid, Spain
  • Rome, Italy
  • El Zonte, El Salvador
  • Miami, FL

This is not financial advice
