Can Robot Waiters Have A Negative Impact on Business?

We have seen many businesses bring on robot waiters in recent years to make and serve food or take orders. In some regions though it might have a negative impact. How? Consumers might stop supporting a business if they aren't happy to have their order taken or delivered this way.

For example, one small business had reportedly seen customers leave after they weren't happy to see a robot waiter in the establishment. For some it is a novelty and they don't care one way or the other but there are certainly some customers who won't be interested in purchasing from a store if they are going to have food delivered by a machine.

What if the orders are taken faster? The efficiency is improved? And the order is delivered better? Does that matter? These machines are saving restaurants money and time, some of them struggle greatly to find employees to fill certain positions. Why keep up with that difficulty if they can put a machine in that position instead? Especially if it is going to save them money? Regardless of the benefits though there are some restaurants and other businesses who are likely never going to head down this road and purchase any robots or other machines to take orders and deliver. Not every consumer is interested in that sort of experience, though there is a great deal of transition in this area that has taken place already. Today you can find restaurants and hotels, airports etc, and other areas, where robots are busy at work cleaning, delivering, and more.
