Working On A Math Education Youtube Channel


Hi there. Over the last several weeks I have building a math education Youtube Channel. This post features my Youtube Channel, what I have so far, and what I use to make the videos.

I also have a Tiktok Account. This features short math education content.

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Creating Math Education Videos

Around two months ago I thought to myself why not try a Youtube education channel. I make some math education content on here and making Youtube videos is not much different. I just had to research some things and figure out how to use the tools.

The videos are made with Microsoft Powerpoint. Videos are in the slideshow format. When it comes to voices I don't use my own voice. I think my own voice is somewhat monotone so I use text to speech. Clipchamp is what I use for text to speech. The voices on Clipchamp are mostly realistic sounding and not so robotic sounding. Plus I find it easy to use.

Text to speech files made from Clipchamp are in the video format. These video files are converted into .mp3 with a .mp4 to .mp3 converter. The audio files are inserted into the powerpoint files.

In Microsoft Powerpoint you can combine inserting audio files and using slideshow animations. With the animations you can make text appear, objects appear and disappear, change slides and link audio clips with certain lines of text.

To convert a slideshow into a video file you would need the Export Function. Go to File -> Export -> Create A Video -> Create Video Icon.


Once you have the video file you can upload this to Youtube.

For shorts you have to format the slides & video in a way that is compatible with mobile devices and Youtube shorts. I forget the details as I used a guide from online. You would have to search it up online.


Details Of My Youtube Channel

My Youtube Channel is a mix of public service of sharing my knowledge and passing it down. I also aim to get monetized to get some side money. Outside of summer months I can produce one video and one short video per week which is an okay rate for me. The math content I have is a mix of grade 5/6 math up to Grade 12, Year 1 University Calculus. There are so many topics out there for me to cover. Ideas are there but it is up to me to make stuff.



At time of writing, I have 9 subscribers on Youtube. On Tiktok I have 4 followers. I think in a few months I could experience some sort of exponential growth. I am aware that the content I make is not the most entertaining or popular but it is important. Being monetized with 500 subscribers and 3000 watch hours or 500 subscribers and 3 million short views.

If you are reading this and follow my work that would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for reading.
