Notes On Distractions, Student Learning and Productivity

Hi there. In this education post I would like to talk about student learning and productivity in a modern era of tech distractions.

Apologies if my thoughts here are somewhat scattered.

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The Modern Technological World

More and more products and services are offered with the use of technology. Modern internet right now is pretty good for the developed parts of the world. E-Commerce is pretty big right now and there is a lot of online entertainment options on Youtube and other video hosting sites. Both parents and kids are exposed to some form on technology right now.


Competition For Your Attention

Youtubers and content creators are competing regularly for your attention. The motives behind these content creators may vary. For the most part Youtubers and content creators want to be seen so they can receive rewards and/or be able to sell products. You may see videos with attention grabbing headlines or even as far as clickbait titles to get to click on their videos.

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Limiting Distractions For Better Learning & Productivity

When it comes to learning and productivity for young students and even older students these things that are trying to get your attention are distractions. Any audio or video notifications not related to learning can interrupt thoughts or thinking. Those who are in technical subjects or problem solving fields really need concentration with limited distractions in order to develop solutions and strategies for the problems at hand. You don't really solve tough problems while being distracted by text messages, Tiktok videos and multitasking. (I don't believe too much in multitasking when it comes to learning and productivity.)

Some ways to limit or remove distractions include having your phone off, remove browser tabs unrelated to school work, studying and working in quiet spots and/or being in an isolated location for school work. Doing these tasks is easier said than done. Discipline and follow through are crucial when it comes to studying and working with limited distractions.

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Role Of Parenting

These days I think parenting is become more important. With the increase of technology there are more ways that businesses and content creators try to compete for the attention of students (and people in general). I could be wrong here but I feel that viral type of videos are everywhere. People are trying to find ways to make videos addictive. There is also the popularity of short form content where you have videos that are 30 seconds or less. If something is not appealing in the first 5 seconds then you swipe and find the next cool video for a dopamine hit.

I do think parents these days should limit the amount of screen time for their kids. Kids can still get addicted to watching shows and videos on devices but it can be controlled with parental supervision. Letting the kids do whatever they want without supervision will likely get the kids to get addicted to their electronics, video games and phones. Focus could decrease over time if kids get addicted to technology early. Moderation is key. A young student could easily lose focus if they are playing games while studying, checking their phones often while doing homework or a mentally distracted by social media matters.

Parents don't have to be major experts on productivity. Simple house rules such as no phones during homework time and no TV during homework limits distractions and allows for more productive sessions for youths. Regular blocked off times dedicated to school homework is a good idea as it sets routines for kids. Setting some sort of structure during the day maintains some level of focus and discipline. You would not want too much structure where a lack of flexibility could be not great when emergencies come up. For long term learning and for memory buliding, consistent practice and work is important. You can almost never learn something perfectly for the first time and right before a test. It takes time to learn and digest information. Whether they realize it or not, parents have a large influence on their kids when it comes to learning. You could even argue that the parent is the first teacher a child meets.


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Thank you for reading.
