My Personal Opinion About Social Media Influencers.


Hi #Hivelearners community.

Today's topic is very special and today's new generation is doing a lot of work on this topic and such new technology and also likes to talk about it because today's way of life. We are also seeing that people get education but they don't have jobs, then a person is attracted towards online work and when a person works hard for four or five years, then he goes one step further.

And the better thing is that wise people are realizing that today's time is for digital technology, digital currency, and so if we don't gather knowledge about them, we will be tomorrow now. They will never be able to succeed in this world.

It is better that all the new youth should work on such platforms. There are some influencers who are doing a lot of good work and some influencers who are lying to people for money, so there are two types within them, some people want people's good and some people are bad for people. Wanting bad and only wanting your own good.


Some people's experience is very good and some people's experience is very bad. Here I will give an example from my life. I myself have been working online for about five years now.

Times are very good and in some time a person is living in a lot of trouble but I will still say one thing here that if you have knowledge and you have worked hard then you will be successful in this world.

No one can stop you from being successful and one thing you have to take care of is when people start believing in you and people are believing in such a way that they get their money from what you say. Put them into a project they don't even know a thing about the project but you know what the project is and it has to evolve or die if you abuse them.

If you take money from the back, then you give them advice, then this is a very wrong thing. Today, most of the things are happening here. Those influencers who stop replying are very bad and they will be punished for this one day and there are some people who are very good, I have seen them myself and I follow them.


Also, their predictions are good and they tell the truth. It is also a fact here that no human can give a perfect prediction, but people should not do this at all. They take money from behind and lie.

There are many ways to earn money from social media and currently the most popular way we are seeing is web 3 and people are also earning money from it but if we write above YouTube from social media.

There will be 1000 ways to earn money and 900 of them will be lies and those people are lying only for their YouTube channel, they are lying to make their money. A guy works hard day and night to give you signals, teach you about support resistance, if he creates his own private group and charges you some money, it becomes his right because you don't do that hard work.

Human labor is if you get money from trade, if you pay him fee, then there is no harm in it, the way we fill posts in schools and colleges, then this thing is absolutely right, but to take money.


After all, those who are lying today are doing it wrong. One day they will have to answer for what we saw now when FTX and Luna crashed last year. were also saying that these returns would go up but we all knew that any coin that went down like this never went up in its lifetime and the way we are seeing it today.

Social media is being used to promote the business, ads are running on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, everything, this is a good thing, you can grow your business by working hard here.

And nowadays people have created apps to cheat people and tell them that only by watching ads they get money and money is made and this work is going on a lot within Asian countries especially our country. A few days ago, there was an app in the news that had lured people a lot.

People also deposited money in it. They gave their Binance address of TRC20 and people used to deposit money in it. And then they say that you only have to watch five ads a day, then you will get five dollars and people believe in them and start depositing money.


Some days they give them dollars in return. Gives after that when they have a target it is fulfilled she runs away with all those people's money and till today no app that is there could catch her.

One day ago there was an app called, now she has run away with a lot of people's money and they have now made a bet that if you keep double the amount of money in your account, then we will give you the cash back. It's so stupid that apps like this get away with achieving a target, but people still don't understand this.

As many people as there are in the Asian country, those who are in the Asian country are mostly poor, due to which people in the circles of making money quickly waste their money, which is the right of hard work, and I am nineteen.

I have also seen very educated people putting money inside because if a person only works by writing, then his salary is only Pakistani 40 to 50 thousand, so he can never buy a big house with all these things. Neither can buy a big car and every person has this desire.


Today's topic was very special and I enjoyed writing on it and hope people get some benefit from it.

Read my latest blogs.


It is important to know the use and application of social media... for sharing


Yeah you are right. Most welcome dear.
