Humans are not prepared to have nuclear weapons, unfortunatelly. Or is ...



If we have to play along with the health act until any longer, I am in completely support of mutually assured destruction. All of my dreams were destroyed or put so far out of reach during the last year, I have no much worth working towards and would rather just start shooting whoever thinks I need to be subject to authoritarian oversight in my life.

If I have to live with Chinese communism, as our Prime in Canada claims is going to be important, I would rather any amount of violence and suffering before I would ever consider contributing even 1 second to a system that doesn't allow me to prosper as a sovereign individual not being ass fucked by bondage to the lesser fortunate in society.

I trade cryptocurrencies sleepless for what I have, usually getting less than 4 or 6 hours only sleep a night, I am not doing that for anyone other than myself, as soon as a government opens its doors to me offering a tax free living situation, I am going to relocate to that country and spend all of my earnings with people who deserve it... Not some fucking bottomed feeding fucking shit heads that want to tax me to feed themselves.


einstein 'proved' relativity .. and disproved tesla's ether theory with the theory light is the fastest thing that exists

quantum physics exists, and shows there are things faster than light, disproving einstein

haven't seen this admission anywhere, but it appears true to me.

aside from that, all nuke videos appear to be hybrid, edited videos with many problems.

nukes don't exist. easily provable by our leaders lack of ability to not use what they have. the fake moon landings got used so much it was taken away.

