RE: Updates to Post Curation and Rewards + A Call for a Community Vote on Content Curation in the FreeCompliments Community

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If I may deliver my opinions here, but first I am sorry if I am not following your 3 questions there however I believe after you read my opinion here those 3 would be answered indirectly.

As a person who maybe the best shitposters here proven by some OG DVin me everytime they see me (luckily they often forget me) I would like to share my point of view on this case.

1. Copy paste with reference

This is ok as long that is not the core of your posting. HiveWatchers said several time add something 40% more... in my perspective this is not about that additional, but the core value of the post itself should not be any kind of reference.

For example, a cooking recipe. If you only copy pasting the recipe, edited some, the core is still the recipe. However if you cook from a recipe, making your own photo, your own comment, the core of the post is your experience in trying that recipe. The change is small and simple, however it changes what the post is about and gives some originality from the author.

As long the core is still reference, no matter how many changes and words you put in... it won't be original.

2. Effort vs Quality vs Value

This triangle is not always in synergy. I do not like people, and pardon sometime I think they are dumb, because they like to say only rewarding effort and quality. First, I believe all posts here need efforts, regardless big or not it's not a quantitative measurable. With my speed, I can make 2000 words posting, 7 post a day... Will that put me a lot of effort? guess what, sometime it doesn't... sometime it's impossible to do that. something as silly as a Battle mage secret post with 500 words might need a lot more effort than making those 7 post, because the system could troll me by not giving that ruleset for days...

The same goes with Quality, a great post, very textbook with 2000 words, no grammatical errors , detail 4K images.... very high quality... but do you need that topic? Let be honest here, sometime we are in awe of some posting, because its that beautiful and high quality, but do you need that? in contrary with value, it definitely gives something that people like, despite what quality it delivers. Let's put an extreme example here, one case is a leaked X rated public figure video with low quality, the other one is 4K zoom microscopic video about an antivirus... which has more quality here? which will be downloaded more? be honest, don't be a hypocrite....

So based on this triangle, we must accept differences in each person acceptance. There won't be someone who has the final say for whatever is right or wrong nor good or bad. so do what you think its the proper one to do...


Either upvote and downvote both are the same, they are vote. We needs both, however in this world they are grey area that always be in debate.

In Web 2.0, if people thumb you down, you only feel rejected... or perhaps you don't care at all. However in this case, you will lose your potential earning. This is where the problem occurs, so rather than asking should HW downvote or not, I say depends on the goal, as long is a community goal oriented one, it's ok.. for example to suppress certain type of abuse.

However the fact this is grey area... Sometime DV occurs based on like and dislike, some DV even have the intention of attacking and harming the author. Some even think they are better than HW and takes over HW job based on their own criteria. However I do not wish to talk about this, I prefer to skip this part and talk to the last point...


There are plenty of grey area in HIVE, things we can not ever say right or wrong directly. Vote trading is one of them. Let say I like you so I vote you 100% everytime you post. You feel honored, so you vote me back 100% everytime I post. That's already vote trading. Is it wrong?

Bid bot in my opinion is a vote trading too. You pay people for delivering their HP with dividen, which is saver rather than rent HP delegation which can put you on losing due to having more cost than rewards. However bidbots are owned by whales, so none dares to talk about them.

and up till today, there are some people who want to take down HSBI. I think Joseph knows who they are but no need to spill them here.

My opinion, maybe I am wrong because I am considered not old here , if you like to send some rewards, do not stated a guarantee for it. just say, we will rewards people who make good post here. Don't say who post here will get something. Never promises anything for something they will do to you, that's how to put a clear line.

The second thing I would like to add is do not do gamification which related to HIVE rewards pool. The gap between proper and not proper is almost not existed.

Wow I have made this too long, I can make my own post here LoL


Appreciate all the effort and thought that you put into this!

If you do choose to make this its own post, I'd totally support it here. You definitely share some interesting insights, and I think having it as its own post would open up further discussion, particularly with your 2nd point about the triangle of effort vs. quality vs. value.
