RE: Darker Sides of Green


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are you speaking about something that isn't popular and highly speculative


Since the electric/plasma universe people are still looked down upon by main stream scientist, anything they do is considered fringe.

Since the Safire Project has managed to do what they expected and repeat those results, they are not pseudoscience. But, because they were considered pseudoscience, they had a bit of difficulty in getting funding for their research. If the next steps they plan on taking with what their experiments have revealed come to fruition, then their backers will become very rich or targets of the energy giants.

A couple of years later, following the original research, I found experiments that refuted such findings.

For, I don't know how long, there have been many many experiments in finding Dark Matter. None have succeeded. All have been dis-proven by electric/plasma universe theories. Yet, only Dark Matter/Black Hole research grants still print out the money.
