RE: The Cost of Connectivity


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Unfortunately, the way things are going, it will be cut, along with more cuts to Medicare and other benefits to the poor, while meanwhile they will give another tax cut to the rich. They don't even try to lie about it these days with that nonsense about "trickle down economics", they just don't talk about it and ignore anyone in the media who brings it up. "Why another tax cut for the rich when the gulf between rich and poor is already greater than it has been at any time since the Gilded Age? Why cut social security when we are the ones who are paying for that?" Ignore them or call them a liberal who hates America.

Anyway, it sounds like you are doing a good job setting up things to be better for the future. Wish more people thought like you do!


I'm trying. Like I said, I don't know as though we will ever need this big of a pipe, but it will be there just in case. It's actually a bit surprising how little bandwidth we use for being a whole school district. Ever since I was a young adult I have always invested my money with the assumption that Social Security won't be around when I need it. Sad, but necessary.
