PC World (October 2011)

Cover of the October 2011 issue of PC World
Once an excellent PC magazine, PC World had declined significantly by 2011. The page count was down of course but also there was a lot of coverage of non-PC items such as HDTVs, phones etc. It was really became more of a consumer electronics magazine. The October 2011 issue includes:
- Which Tech Specs Really Matter? - Which specs to pay attention to in various products. For example, in PCs, PC World tells you that slight differences in CPU and RAM speed don't matter that much, graphics RAM and quad-core processors sometimes matter, while the amount of RAM, hard drive speed and laptop weight and battery life always matter.
- Best Free Software - A list of the 28 best free applications including CCleaner, CyberGhost VPN Free, Avast Free Antivirus, Adblock Plus, LibreOffice, AbiWord, Songbird, Audacity, and much more.

Table of Contents from the October 2011 issue of PC World
- Techlog - Desktop software vs. cloud based applications. Personally, I still prefer desktop apps.
- PCW Forum - Letters from readers about cleanup utilities, smart TVs, multi-function printers, laptop insurance, multiple monitor setups, and more.

Table of Contents from the October 2011 issue of PC World (continued)
- Forward - Things to avoid doing if your phone data plan is capped (e.g. don't watch tons of videos); First Mango Phone debuts (Windows phone); Holga lomography camera; Sony S1 tablet; Toshiba Qosmio F750 3D laptop; and more.
- Consumer Watch - Free ID Theft protection services; managing your bills with web services; a mix-up with a TomTom GPS; and more.
- Business Center - Free or low-cost services that help you build a business website (Jimdo, Moonfruit, Weebly, Yola); using virtual receptionists and appointment calendars; and more.
- Security Alert - Steps to take after a security breach involving your data; new patches fro Skype, Safari, and iOS; and batteries with security vulnerabilities in Apple laptops.

Back cover of the October 2011 issue of PC World
Read more: https://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2024/11/22/pc-world-october-2011/
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Books I am reading or have recently read:
Total Power by Vince Flynn
Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg
Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch
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