PC World (July 1990)

Cover of the July 1990 issue of PC World
PC World was probably the most widely available PC Magazine throughout the 1990s and 2000s. At some point, they started covering more and more other consumer electronics stuff and it sort of lost appeal (at least to me) as a computer magazine. Page count was a fairly good way to judge how they were doing at at nearly 300 pages, it looks like they were doing quite well in 1990. The July 1990 issue includes:
- Windows Makes the Grade - A look at Windows 3.0. This was really the first version of Windows to start to become ubiquitous on PCs. My first PC had Windows 3.11.
- HyperCard Meets Windows - A look at ToolBook, a HyperCard-like programming tool for Windows.
- Software You Can Really Use - A look at some of the best utilities including WindowDOS 3.0 (a DOS shell not to be confused with Windows 3.0), PC Tools, Norton Utilities, The Norton Commander, SpinRite II, Speed Disk, Fullback Plus, SideKick, and lots more.
- Hard Disk Health Insurance - A comparison of hard drive recovery tools including Norton's Disk Doctor, PC Tools' DiskFix, and Mace Utilities 1990.
- Making DOS Manageable - A round-up of DOS Shells including 1dir+ 3.03, Disk Director 1.06, Magellan 2.0, Norton Commander 3.0, PC Tools Deluxe 6.0, SoftBreeze 3.0, Tree86 3.2, and XtreePro Gold 1.4.
- Disk Trouble? No, Thanks! - A round-up of nine utilities to tune up and troubleshoot your hard drive. Included in this review are Disk Optimizer 4.05, Optune 1.2, Mace Utilities 1990, Htest 3.0, The Norton Utilities Advanced Edition 4.5, PC-Kwik Power Disk 1.0, PC Tools Deluxe 6.0, SpinRite II, and Vopt 2.2.

Table of Contents from the July 1990 issue of PC World
- Buyers' Guide: Our Favorite Utilities - The editors of PC World pick their favorite utilities.
- Souped-Up Word Processing - A buyer's guide for tools for word processors. Product covered include Grammatik IV, Word for Word Professional 4.1, GrandView 1.01a, and others.
- Spreadsheets With Extra Reach - Tools for spreadsheets including (at)BASE 2.22, RAR Worksheet Report Writer 1.0, Look&Link 1.1, Noteworth 1.01, Worksheet Utilities 1.01, Budget Express 1.0, Delta-Manager 1.0, Impress 2.0, Sideways 3.31, and more.
- Time-Savers for Desktop Publishers - Utilities to make desktop publishing chores more efficient. Some utlities included here are MouseWare 1.0, The Soft Kicker Plus 2.0, PageMaker Portfolio, and others.
How To
- Instant Reference Card: Word Perfect - Keyboard shortcuts for Wordperfect 5.0 and 5.1.

Table of Contents from the July 1990 issue of PC World
- Top of the News - Lotus 1-2-3 3.1 released, IBM to introduce another home computer, Windows applications to run under OS/2, DOS 5.0 coming soon, and more.
- Industry Outlook - Lotus and Novell mergers plans, Compaq expands into peripherals, AT&T markets office software called Rahpsody based on HP's NewWave, censorship on Prodigy, and more.
- Richard Laundry - An editorial on why Windows is here to stay.
- Letters - Letters from readers about FCC regulations, Excel vs. Lotus 1-2-3, modem usage, and more.
- The Help Screen - Help with formatting 720k disks on 1.44MB drives, dual booting DOs and OS/2, memory prices, ASCII file readers, scientific word processors, and more.
- Consumer Watch - Deciding whether or not to upgrade your software.

Back cover of the July 1990 issue of PC World
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Books I am reading or have recently read:
The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777 by Rick Atkinson
Total Power by Vince Flynn
Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg
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Their attempts to intimidate and silence their critics are equally concerning. The use of downvotes as a means of censorship is a clear indication of their desperation to maintain their grip on the narrative. But it's not working