MMoSP002E - use steem-python make a robot that can automatically say hello to contents under the tag


In the previous phase, the steem-python development environment has been installed through anaconda.

In this phase, we will make a robot to interact with other people in the community: upvote and post on the content under the designated tag (excluding message comment)

This content of comment is fixed. In the actual operation of the robot, try to dynamic content, otherwise it is easy to be used as an abusive robot and be downvoted.

The main tasks of the robot are as follows:

  1. Scan the latest data of steem blockchian;
  2. Get the operation of 'comment' type;
  3. Judge whether the 'comment' is a root post rather than a reply;
  4. Upvote 1% to the post;
  5. Reply to the message: 'welcome to use my favorite tag, #dappcoder, and give you a warm upvote for free'

Directly on the code, there are some necessary comments, to help you understand.

Demo a greeting robot to tag with upvote(

from contextlib import suppress

from steem.blockchain import Blockchain
from import Post
import random

def run():
    # upvote posts with 0.1~0.2% weight
    weight = random.randrange(10, 20, 2) / 100
    account = 'dappcoder'
    tag = 'dappcoder'
    reply = 'welcome to use my favorite tag, #dappcoder, and give you a warm upvote for free'

    # stream comments as they are published on the blockchain
    # turn them into convenient Post objects while we're at it
    bc = Blockchain()
    stream = map(Post,['comment']))
    for post in stream:
        print('post:', post)
        if post.is_comment():
            print('not is root post:', post)
        print('post.json_metadata:', post.json_metadata)
        if post.json_metadata:
            tags = post.json_metadata.get('tags', [])
            print('tags:', tags)
            # if tag in tags and len(tags) < 10:
            if tag in tags:
                print(account, 'do upvote:', weight)
                post.upvote(weight=weight, voter=account)
                print(account, 'do comment:', reply)
                post.reply(reply, title="", author=account, meta=None)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with suppress(KeyboardInterrupt):

Run it :python

English list:

#esteem #hive-139531 #steemdevs #community #programming
MMoSP000E-< make money on steem-python > Preface
MMoSP001E- install steem python with anaconda


#cn #hive-180932 #chinese #hive-143316
MMoSP001C- Anaconda 安装 steem-python 开发环境
MMoSP002C- steem-python 开发一个会自动问某个标签下内容的机器人
