Robotic pets will create human-animal barriers



The fast pace at which technology is moving is worth considering. This generation I must say has undergone a massive shift in technology seeing to the quickness at which it is all happening. Today this one is hot and by the end of the day something else just emerges to replace it. Can we say this is the best way to deploy technology? inventions fading within a short period of time after being launched?. Big companies want to be heard and they want it soonest.

The competition seems inevitable, something that has kept a continuous innovation in businesses. Yet I must say or should I actually ask, are all inventions necessary? A friend of mine in the platform once complained how working from a home system of jobs is making life somehow boring. It's good when you have the needed liberty, work as you like and basically when you are doing it for yourself. But it has also come at a cost of being absent from the real world.

You in your comfort zone relying on the computer screen for your comfort, you see people yet you can't naturally feel them. In the long run, it makes us scared of fellow humans as we only expect conversation from screens. You'll miss out on real time events and people you might have met in a real time presence in a conference or some other event. I must say this stigma is growing gradually thanks to technology. That aside, maybe a full story for another day.

We've seen how dominant companies continue to push towards the unthinkable. You may be surprised to hear that the invention of robotic pets started as early as the 1990's, machine learning has really undergone processing. Nevertheless within some parts of the world, the robotics presence may not really be felt and at such a point we tend to be careless about its existence. Truth be told a lot of us have little to no value to the dogs we keep in our homes, it's just for security reasons.

Inventors know this and they are trying to leverage the opportunity. When talking about living things you know they need more maintenance procedures. Cleaning up the dog's house, keeping the dog clean, proper feeding and the necessary hygiene even as a security dog. The cost looks much on a daily basis right? Holding to the facts that some dogs can consume a human's two to three days meal in a single day.

Replacing it with a robotic pet seems a little easier to handle, more of a one time buy that will cut long term cost. I mean you could deactivate them at any time of your choice, it wouldn't be disturbing you like a normal pet and even if it got spoiled you wouldn't have any emotional attachment, come on it was just a metal, you just walk up to the company and get another one.

You need to properly weigh the advantages


What is a pet in the first place; a domestic animal trained and kept within the house for pleasure and companionship. In general I must say, man was meant to take good care of animals be it domestic or wild. We have seen many animal species being endangered because of mostly the activities of man. Deforestation and civilization have played a huge negative part in this sector. We are dominant being here, more of life to other life's here.

Robotic pet market is currently growing at a speed like never before. We have seen the introduction of AI disrupting lots of invention odds and when merged with robotics we know or should I say have a foresight of what could possibly be possible. The world is currently struggling to create the needed bond between man and animals citing the rough handling programs man has involved animals in.

The zoo is there to preserve animals life's right? So what happened if all the animals were replaced with AI robots that could depict its characteristics. We would be going to the zoo to see cloned animals, so where would its original be? Same with pets, the robotic pet industry will create a huge barrier between man and animal seeing to the fact that all attention may be taken off the animal kingdom. As that bonds gradually deteriorates, what we should fear is animal mishandling which could lead to extinction.

I never had much interest in dogs until my brother introduced one to the house and till date I do love staying around them. Besides dogs, other animals in the process have caught my attention. I gradually learn and try to interpret how they feel at every given moment especially when they are under discomfort. Through this I have been able to even meet a strange pet and relate very nice with it, it is due to companion building.

Is technology pushing us beyond our borders?

What really continues to trigger technological advancement, is it innovation or the money involved in the system. A lot of company's keep inventing without looking at the negative cost it has in our immediate environment. Where humans meant to be artificial? Absolutely not, yet we keep pushing to become too artificial if I may say. Let's just come to realize that that a lot of inventions are basically to enrich its inventors and nothing much. A lot of inventions have long term disadvantages. The battle between man and animal had been drawn over the years as we continue to dominate the system and shrink their existence. All I see here is the matter worsening with the speed the technological industry is moving, we could finally send them packing and settle for metals with cloned characteristics.

To conclude, let me say, we need to value nature inasmuch as technology has eased lots of burdens and inconveniences. In the process of trying to have it all we may loop into the artificial and lose the natural environment which we were birthed into to keep it well maintained. We are losing ourselves gradually and I think we need to wake up before all the naturals is swallowed by the artificials.

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