How extensive will we trust AI



technology is shaping many and not just many but also major aspects of the world. The introduction of blockchain technology over a decade ago seems to be an amazing achievement. Indeed it is, we have seen how blockchain application has shaped many industries venturing especially into the financial grounds. Maybe we thought it was all done for the moment before artificial intelligence (AI) showed up. We have seen top companies making a chase after this tech raising questions like; what have they seen?.

We have seen a lot of funds in millions if not already in billions being pushed into this industry. data is becoming the new oil and this just seems to be the beginning of what may be overvalued in just a few decades. AI continues to be fed through LLM (Large language Modules) and we have seen the impact. Speaking of which is about an article I read on-chain about AI's ability to reconstruct human visions. I was surprised just as you are when I heard of it. I won't be breaking deeper into the tech but on a summary, that AI powered machine according to the writer reconstruct the images a human glanced at when you body is connected with the machine to gain access to your brain functions.

Wow! How interesting, the outcome may not have been all accurate but was very close to its originality. One sector I started seeing possible solution through the application of such tech was the criminal industry. I know a lot of work still needs to be done yet the question remains, how accurate and what will be the disadvantage of AI if relied on as a sourceful decision maker? We have heard of data and transaction glitches many times. Can this also be one of the fate of this new tech. We know that AI gives out what is being fed into it. Biased data will need to be considered. Who are the ones feeding this programs and what personal intentions or gains do they wish to acquire?.

The issue of biased algorithm is one that should not be undermined. We have already seen unethical bodies jumping in to feast on this tech. The pornography and the hacking industry are just a few of the many. How will external bodies understand the reason for a crime decision. Are there existing biases in the system, how can this be detected out with such a vast knowledge and info present in the system. From here, can we say, AI may aid in acquitting the guilty?

Ok, let's say the data being fed in are all accurate. Is there still a need to worry? Of course, we all know this AI decision making will be based on several sectors like facial recognition, appearances, emotions that tricker brain actions that sides with a near possible action. Without doubts, facial expression can help identify deception. This is AI which has the ability to to capitalize on even micro-facial expressions. I have heard of speech pattern identification. Personally when one is lying, there are likelihood of voice cracks or breaking. I can use myself from my early days when I am afraid to spit out truth just to avoid penalty. Who wants to be cained? But they always find out from my tones and voice crack. Hahaha, I still get to face the penalty.

So how about now? Personally, I would become a victim of Ai in terms of lie detection. Lying is not just my thing and I hate it when I find myself in that corner. It will show in my face and even in my emotions for the rest of the day. It dulls my day and the facial depression would have been enough for Ai to say, 'I've caught ya'. But this is me, you can't put others in this same shoes. Many have become an expert in lying and emotional checks. One of the ways AI can meet up with such people will be from the angle of inconsistency in statements.

Another thing to note is that, not all know how to keep their emotions in check even if they are not defaulters. This is the angle I think AI decision may put a lot of innocent people behind bars. Have you met someone that is mostly afraid, moody, shy and unexpressive in the public? You know what I mean, their emotions are always trickered even when they have done nothing wrong. We must admit we have cultural differences and emotional states. What will be done from here? If all have to pass through the same stage(s) of trial even in an unbiased data, I see the efficiency of AI being inefficient from here.

There is still a lot of things to be considered as we continue to evolve into a new era of technological application. Even the current systems have flaws. We have seen or heard the guilty being acquitted. Bribe and corruption have soaked many areas of justice. In short, it is for this reason that a tech like AI must be introduced to curb human errors and manipulations. Nevertheless, I still see an impending challenge, one that will take a lot rectify.

To conclude, let me add, the beauty of AI is manifesting in a larger scale day after day. Nevertheless, we must not overlook the possibilities of glitches or emotional displacement that can backfire and raise victims in the process. Not all humans respond to circumstances the same way. Some may get stressed out within a certain period or the environment they are being introduced to. As tech continues to push, humans must present the needed checks and balances.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
