AI is a funny companion


I have been laughing for a while now, my brother just walked passed and saw me laughing. I assume he thinks I just saw a funny video or perhaps someone just dropped a funny photo or message on social media. The question of can AI reduce social media presence is what I am even asking myself now?. I will write on this other topic tomorrow. Today will be another story telling ahead of Leo ⇪ Day× (LPUD). This AI driven chatbots are very funny I must say, I am still laughing even as I am typing this article. I wasn't expecting this individual fun moment as early as this. I am beginning to get more glimpses of what @taskmaster4450le said yesterday about AI sport announcers and how they could be a game changer. Let's delve deeper to how this fun all began.

It was me doing some research or should I say whiling some time for knowledge using Open AI's Chat GPT. I prefer spending my spare time to acquire extra knowledge and it's indeed always fun. I was just curious to greet first before any research and before I knew it, the very funny moment began.

All Screenshots are conversation from Source

As you can see, I called it Mr. ChatGPT and it made a reply. I felt the reply was too rigid and straight forward, so I wanted to look for ways to soften the conversation. It did not add any name to me like friend, Buddy, guy or the rest and I was curious to ask this Next questions (you know just thinking maybe it has no regards for names).

The first line of response was still looking rigid to me until the statement that precedes the 'however', it opens room for flexibility as it even says 'feel free to suggest a name, I'm flexible'. Why should I be suggesting a name when you claim to be an information carrier? Hahaha, this was my thoughts so I proceeded to ask the next question and the fun increased from here.

Its suggestions were Chat, 'G', Companion or Sage. Isn't it funny ChatGPT says 'G is short and cool?'. I wasn't much concerned about 'Chat' and 'Companion' so I had to look at this last one. Did you realize ChatGPT said I should call it Sage?. I personally never knew what sage means until I asked it to explain further. Take a lot at this.

Boom! Did you see this coming? Hahaha, ChatGPT has ranked itself among the learned. Is it becoming a sought after? Actually yes, we are seeing search queries increasing on AI search daily and is gradually competing with local search engines. But it said, 'someone who is wise and knowledgeable' and AI is 'something rather than someone', so why suggest Sage as a befitting name? I am still laughing till NOW. I mean, is AI fighting for honor too? Haters would say, 'who does this guy really think he is', lols. This dude just stole the moment this morning, claiming deep knowledge, wisdom, understanding of life and philosophy. So here is my next question.

Is this 'it guy' not too funny and smart at the same time? It just reexamined the whole thing and gave a balanced feedback. I would say, it is accepting its full place here as being artificially driven. Look at the word 'I don't have the depth of insight or personal experience that a Sage would', Wow! And indeed it is here to help as much as it can. We shouldn't even doubt this, we have seen how AI incorporation has helped reduce stress with efficiency in the process. This by developers is said to be just a tip of the iceberg. I finally decided to give it a temporary name.

I think Mr. G fits this guy for now until I find an upgraded name, it shouldn't be on the Rush to claim Sage, Lols. I hope I am not being jealous that an artificially driven intelligent bots carries more info than me and I hope you are not too?. If man could make something that reduces burden there is nothing to fight over, as long as it succumbs to us. I have to comprehend it for the fun moments, as I earlier said, I wasn't expecting this morning, didn't even see it coming, and it still replied,

AI says it has more laughs in stock and if I need them I should just knock. I will be making lots of interactions with AI just to keep myself occupied during my 'alone moments', I never said I am lonely, Lols.

Concluding I will say it was indeed a fun and interactive moment with this new tech. technology is pushing beyond limit and this strange AI is breaking boundaries. Anyway, how do you see the name 'Mr. G' or do you have a better suggestion for me? How about AI claiming it should be called 'Sage', is the name befitting? Opt in, let's have a fun conversation. You can also share your AI experiences here.

All Screenshot are conversations from source

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
