RE: Alpha rays (α)


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I gotta admit, most of this article is way over my head but I think it is just awesome that we have people in this community that want to take the time to share their knowledge about things like this. Like I said, while I don't think I am capable of fully grasping what you're telling me, I read the entire article and found it very fascinating. Hopefully as I continue my journey on Hive and it's communities, I can continue to learn about things I would NEVER in a million years even think about in my day to day life. Thanks for your efforts here. I appreciate them.


Hi @daga212.

Actually it is a pleasure to hear words like the one you express as this motivates us to continue striving more and more, the knowledge that man has been able to extract from their environment is wonderful and essential to have reached the development we have today, among which undoubtedly are the radiations of any nature.

Thank you for your nurturing comment and for positively valuing the effort made. Success to you and your family.
