RE: Presenting a new study: The 4 Epochs of the Metaverse


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I'm unsure as to whether I like the idea of the metaverse or not. I watched a video on YouTube a while ago called Hyper-reality (link below in case you haven't seen it - I can't remember, but it could be nsfw because of low level swearing, so just be cautious if you do decide to watch it) and was blown away by the possibility of how pervasive technology is likely to become.

It did also get me thinking along the lines of are we already there, just minus the augmentation. Do we already rely on technology too much? Then, further to that, how much is too much? If technology is actually improving our lives, does it really matter how much we use it?


There are so many aspects in this!
We really need take under consideration the new generation too. We have learned to do things in certain ways, they are already learning how easy everything is, that we can simply scroll and do nothing all day, and that we dont have to think too much because the computer will do everything for us.
I think that the best we can do, is be as more prepared and with as much knowledge as possible. Not much else we can do, as technology is moving too fast already..


We have learned to do things in certain ways, they are already learning how easy everything is, that we can simply scroll and do nothing all day

This is a very good point - I didn't really take this into account in my previous reply, but can see what you're saying - for the younger generation who don't know any different, the metaverse is likely to be as exciting as the advent of PC's was for Gen X/Y.
I guess, as well, it's like anything really, we can always choose to not use it, or to at least use common sense and not allow it to overtake reality.
