Technology against job market?

The world of technology is currently on a fast-moving bus that doesn’t seem ready to stop or take a break unless a major event, like a COVID-19-type occurrence, forces it to slow down – though, of course, we’re not hoping for that. Every single sector in our world today has been affected, some negatively and some positively.


When we consider the job market, where it is now and where it will be in the future, the vision often feels unimaginable. Traditionally, we have looked at the future of the job market with the rapid growth of technology as one where technology completely dominates, ultimately displacing people from their jobs. That’s true to some extent – at first glance, it seems that way. But it doesn’t have to be that way, especially if we examine it more critically.

Human existence on this planet, including all the activities we engage in to earn a living, always finds ways of innovation and adaptation. Sometimes, situations may seem like the end of the road, but then people adapt and discover new ways to survive and even thrive. Although the job market may be shaken by the rise of AI and other technological advancements, human ingenuity will find ways to adjust, innovate, and stay relevant in a changing world.


It might sound like I’m exaggerating, so let me give you an example. Banks in my country aren’t permitted to engage in cryptocurrency transactions because the federal government is against it. But, interestingly, I saw one of my banks post on social media about hiring new employees and training some of their staff in cryptocurrency so they can diversify and keep up with trends. Now, I’m not sure how they had the boldness to make such a post public when they know the government opposes crypto, or perhaps the ban has been lifted, and I just wasn’t aware. The point is, this bank chose to hire more people to learn and strengthen their company.

Technology may suggest that they could handle it all independently, but technology, despite often being independent, still needs human intervention. Cryptocurrency is a major technological advancement in today’s world, and many people have created business ideas around it. You may have seen shops or offices where people can buy and sell crypto. In case you haven’t, there are quite a few in my country.

Another area worth mentioning is solar energy. Many years ago, solar technology was not well-known, and few people understood it. Although it’s gradually replacing generators and gasoline, it has also opened up new job opportunities. Many people have transitioned into the installation and production of solar equipment, creating more paths for employment.

Technology will indeed impact the job market, but I believe it’s just a matter of change. Humanity will always find a way to adapt and earn a living, even in a technologically driven world.


16.496 STEM


I’m also interested in knowing what exactly will happen next or maybe the government knows about that particular bank?
Over here, I’m yet to hear of any bank that deals in crypto.

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