RE: What Could Go Wrong?

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Indeed, what could possibly go wrong?

If memory serves me right, a large part of the reason behind developing the first large scale computers was to model and predict weather... and 60-70 years later, humans are still messing around with the weather without that much of a clear understanding of how any of this all really works.

I don't know about this event being only the result of cloud seeding... if I understand the science correctly, optimal conditions have to be present in the first place. From where I'm sitting, it seems more likely that a one-inch desert storm event was turned into a six-inch deluge, thanks to cloud seeding.

I guess it's what you get when you mess with the weather!


Yes it was a combination, but they knew because they do this around 1000 times per year and the right clouds need farming and there must have been lots around. Humans never learn that you cannot tame nature.
