RE: Aging well - trying new eating habits

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Hello, Shani!

I've been meaning to stop by and read this for a couple of days and today I remembered it by listening to you a while ago.
The app and the tests are out of my league, but it's interesting. I have changed my diet radically recently. After the heart attack, I suffered last year, I started walking a lot but had not made any significant changes in my diet. But a little over a month ago, my tests showed high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and even my blood pressure was a bit high despite I'm not overweight. And that's when I decided to radically change my diet.

More protein, much more vegetables, fruits rich in fiber and with a not so high glycemic index, and to choose better carbohydrates, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, and grains. Also choose healthy fats, olive oil, avocados, fatty fish rich in omega 3, etc. Certainly now I spend more on food, but I hope in the short and medium term to compensate that by spending less on doctors and medications.

In my experience, in just one week of taking care of my diet and exercising every day, I was able to stop taking the blood pressure medication, I don't need it. And I hope to get rid of the statin at the checkup I will have next November, a year after my heart attack. But of course my biggest challenge and concern is to have my blood sugar under control so that my pre-diabetes condition does not continue to progress.

So I'm curious to watch the video and read about gut microbiome. Thank you for sharing :)



in just one week of taking care of my diet and exercising every day, I was able to stop taking the blood pressure medication

amazing news! so good to hear 😍
we have to work harder to keep healthy as we get older, glad you are finding the right way for you to look after yourself.

thank you for coming along last night, really appreciated your support 😍
