RE: Techno - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow


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Outages suck and it's terrible to have to go through them in this modern world. It is true that we have become so used to technology that sometimes we do not realize that for a couple of hours, we can read a book instead of watching our cell phone, right? Only it should be when we want it and not because of the inefficiency of the government of the day with the services.

I remember when there was a blackout here that lasted a week, the issue of electric stoves was a big problem. Mine is gas, but for example, my sister's is electric and everyone in her building had electric stoves. So they had a very hard time those days.

I like your mini PC. My husband had a Mac mini years ago and I was impressed with what that little box could do.

I hope your recovery is going well.

Happy weekend 🤗

0.003 STEM


Hi Eli, I'm feeling tons better, can at least get back to doing things and not just vegetating in front of the TV on a recliner, AND I can sit upright at my desk again!

I cannot imagine how one can manage when it's a whole week of no electricity! I have a little camping gas cooker, but when (or shall I say if) I sell my home to move into a smaller home, I will certainly invest in a gas stove, as the energy crisis is here to stay, in my lifetime at least!

When Arthur was still here, we used to end up chatting more, and at times welcome the respite from busyness. It's the weirdest feeling that once the electricity is back, one almost feels like you have to jump up and get back into action. That's how I am at least, a tad OCD as I HAVE to get things done and don't like wasting time, terrible I know!

My son bought the mini PC for me and set it up so I could do my BNB online work from there when I visited them. I am very impressed with it!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Eli :)

0.000 STEM