Tools to Heal


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about the incredible technology that we have at our fingertips to help us heal and get well in a time of sickness!


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Tools to Heal

There are all kinds of tricks and techniques for us to utilize in order to get better when we are feeling unwell. I recently started to do something that I never did before but damn does it feel good!

We've had our fair share of shitty feelings the past few months, my poor son came home with sickness after sickness lol but we seem to be on the mend now.. let's hope! Going through all of that though, you do a heck of a lot of things to try and feel better as I know everyone can attest. When you are feeling shitty and just sick, the one thing you want to do is get rid of it so you can feel better.


About a year ago, maybe a little longer, my wife was researching the different pieces of health equipment that we could get in order to do various forms of detoxing and health improvements. Two of those devices are an infrared sauna and a red light therapy belt. Both of those pieces of equipment were crucial in helping me feel better and kick this bullshit sickness that we were afflicted with!

There is something to using a sauna that I never really appreciated when I was younger. I think it was because I was active enough that I got sweaty fairly often and that's a great thing. When things happen in life though and our physical activity numbers start to go down a bit, one of the things that we can and should do is look for alternatives to give us something that can help us get to do something like exercise but fit it into our hectic schedules. It seems a little lazy to want to use equipment to help us but we gotta adapt with the cards we are dealt with.


Using an infrared sauna is apparently pretty close to doing minute-for-minute light jogging I think is what they are saying. It depends on the temperature of course but we usually do 30 minutes in the sauna when we can, if we are able to get a pretty good rhythm with it then we can kick it up to 45 minutes or 60 minutes at 140 degrees. This is a pretty great way to help our bodies on so many levels but the most important thing is to get us to sweat! I know our lymphatic system needs movement and that's great when you can do it but when I am recovering from the plague that we were afflicted with, I couldn't really get myself to go outside without hacking up a lung lol so the infrared sauna was a pretty good alternative! I sweat my ass off in that thing and sat there for 30 minutes a day every other day to help get rid of the bullshit. It feels really good each time you get out of the thing! You are dripping sweat and your detoxification pathways are wide open. It certainly helped me get my body to sweat out the toxins and shit that I was affected by and aided with the other things in finally helping me get back to feeling normal.

The other piece of equipment that we've really come to live is the red light therapy belt. Red light therapy has been around for over a hundred years and it tries to mimic the red spectrum of light that our body needs to get exposure to every day. Ideally early morning sunlight or evening sunlight will get us these ray ranges but if we don't have the opportunity to get out at those times, an infrared light mat will really help! The infrared apparently goes right down to the cellular level and helps our body heal and flush out damage so that we can get rid of the bad shit that we are exposed to, which we certainly do every day. There are so many articles and forms of research on the benefits of the red light spectrum! We keep two of those damn things handy in the house hahaha one where it's like a light box and we lay underneath it, and the other is the belt. I think my wife and I personally like the belt more because it's easy, I actually popped the thing on the other day while I was working and just stood there with it on my stomach for 30 minutes. It was pretty damn cool! Lol.


I think the tools and abilities that we have at our fingertips is such an incredible and important benefit of life in the year that we live in. There are absolutely a lot of fucked up things in the world, and a lot of shit to be pessimistic about but there is also a LOT to be thankful for such as the widespread decentralization of technology like this stuff. It all starts with a capitalistic notion to it, where people are filling a need. It then just gets better and less expensive each time which is a killer benefit for us all. I know that we have some of the best tools at our fingertips to keep us well and am really thankful for the ability to use them to help my body and my family stay healthy!

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This infrared sauna, is it actually available all over the world region or to some certain region


That's good! Infrared saunas are a great tool!


Thank you very much for these tips
This is my first time hearing of Red Light Therapy though
I’d make more findings about it
Thanks for sharing


Red light therapy is great and it's not very expensive which is even better!


This is my first time hearing of these healing tools. It's good it's proving instrumental in facilitating healing for you and your family. I will have to do some more research on them. Thanks for bringing them to our notice. Have a great day.


They are helpful for sure and the best part about them is they are affordable. There are expensive versions of course but these ones are in a good price range!


Being in close contact with nature is our biggest tool to heal naturally!

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For sure - nature is best!

Could I have posted this non-leo post though? It’s always questionable I know some people post other content lol but I’m never sure. Thanks for the reminder though!

One thing I did notice is that post scheduling on the Leo site is broken. Can that be fixed? I schedule most of my posts and would love to get back to scheduling my leo posts again.


Hello! For the scheduling, it is a work in progress, soon will be working fine.

And as to posting non-leo...

There is a difference between the InLeo front-end and the LeoFinance community.

Inleo is a open front end to post any content to any community, so yes, you can post this content from!


Just like if we get sick and go to such a beautiful place for a walk, we are much more relaxed when we come back.


It is nice to hear that other people are having success with red light therapy. I would love to give the infared sauna a try. About four months ago I bought a hand held Red light and Near Infared Light device and it has helped both my partner and I and out painful joints so much!!


That's great that you got relief with red light! We definitely enjoy ours and the whole family uses it which is nice. Infrared sauna is one of the staples in our house and helps us get rid of and sweat out all the bad shit hahaha


Quite the first time I am hearing about this healing tool but they really sound so useful actually
