Too Much of a Good Thing

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how sometimes, we can get a little overzealous in life, and it end up potentially causing some issues!


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Too Much of a Good Thing

A few months back I was really excited to share one of the kitchen gadgets that I purchased, an Ozone generator. It's been one of my favorite tools that I've gotten lately, that's for sure! It isn't without it's dangers though..


We know that just going around and breathing in ozone is impossible for the most part, because ozone is o3 and our bodies can't process it. We need o2 in order to breathe and that's a good thing. Ozone though, it is an incredibly powerful and natural substance that has all kinds of wonderful benefits like killing bacteria, viruses, cleaning things and the like.

What can happen though, is when we use the ozone generator we need to make sure that we use it in a well-ventilated area! Woops..

Now I want to preface that I only use it very briefly at a time, for 10 minutes per session. This is a setting on the device itself to provide the necessary amount of ozone to clean and kill the nasty things on fruits and vegetables which is important. What I've been struggling with though is that while I can operate just fine around it, my wife and son aren't as lucky!

The smell of the ozone is definitely something that I kind of enjoy, and I can breathe in the air in the area without an issue. Where the issue lies though is that my wife and son are more sensitive to it, and that presented a problem.


Since I got the generator, I tested it out and used it once in the kitchen but my son was really upset about it. He hated the smell so I had to turn the fans on, open the windows and all that. I decided that it would be best to put the device in a different room to do it's business while we were in the kitchen or living room doing other things. The product manufacturer says that it's perfectly fine to use the device in the kitchen while you are using it, but everyone is a bit different.

The most recent time I used it, I decided to put the thing in the upstairs bathroom next to the bedroom the little man sleeps in. That was a big mistake! He didn't get sick, but it definitely filled the room with the odor and we ended up getting nervous even though the device was off for about an hour before we went to bed, the smell was still pretty strong unfortunately. Thankfully we got to move him downstairs where there was no smell and he slept and woke up fine.

It was a bit scary to go through it because although the ozone generator is an amazing tool for our health and wellbeing, you have to make sure to respect these things and not take them too far! You could certainly get hurt by it and thankfully nothing happened here, but from now on we will be using the ozone generator outside instead of in the house. Definitely a lesson learned there for me!


What about you, have you tried to do something that was beneficial but ended up doing it a little more than you should have? What happened? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Oh wow, you definitely have to be careful with those. I have an ozone cleaner for my CPAP machine and they are very clear that you have to use it in a room that is at least specific dimensions and you have to push air through it after the cleaning to be sure all the ozone is out of the airways. They also warn that the ozone can break down some of the plastic parts if you let it go too long, so you have to be careful of that too. It's interesting how things that have so many benefits can also cause a lot of issues.


Yeah ozone is really impressive when it comes to killing mold and things of that nature. Sucks you have to use a cpap! It was a lesson learned for me for sure!


I'm still getting used to it. Running my ozone cleaner today. My wife mentioned that this is the first time she has actually been able to smell the ozone smell.


I’m glad your little one is okay and got a good night’s sleep. I don’t know much about ozone generators, but they sound interesting and useful. However, after hearing your story, I definitely won’t be using one indoors.


Yeah it was a little tricky of a situation. They use ozone generators for a lot of things but one of the big ones is to kill mold in an area. Car detailers will use it and it works pretty amazing but it’s definitely toxic. Thankfully the one we bought is strictly limited in the amount of ozone it produces (some have a dial you turn up or down, which if you aren’t a trained professional on it is extremely dangerous) so it’s not super duper dangerous in this scenario but it’s better safe than sorry.


Can you please show us the ozone generator?
I’ve never seen it before


It's in an older post from a few weeks ago, kitchen technology or something if you want to check it out!


I wouldn't be trusting the "it's completely healthy" statement, things that have strong odour can actually make it uncomfortable for people to breath or sleep just like it did with your son


Yeah there are certainly things about it that more care is needed for. There are other factors involved such as sensitivity to things like mold that can cause other challenges unnecessarily and if we breathe in something like Ozone, it's combating the mold and that sends signals to other parts of the body for them, but if I don't have those challenges then it doesn't affect me.

So the thought process from the company that sold it could be that people who are not sensitive to some things benefit from ozone.


I read that previous post of yours you mention and got real curious and shared the product with the hubby who, let's say, was less enthusiastic and just said isn't ozone dangerous, harmful? I'd like to see more info. So that was that. Glad you and your family noticed and acted on the possible danger in time.


It is dangerous if not done properly. The ozone generator I bought manages the level of ozone to not be at a lethal level but it can cause irritation if you aren’t careful.

It’s just like anything that is a tool - if used properly it is great but if not, it can be dangerous.


I never heard about an ozone generator but reading the rest of your post it's clear what it does. It sounds like it could be a good purchase if used well. Probably the maintenance part is where it goes wrong often when you read the bad stories.

My boyfriend is very keen on maintenance of everything and it's often clear that a lot of people just don't take care of their devices (whatever they may be) and therefore cause (health) risks or break down.

Anyway, learned something new today, thanks :) !PIMP


The ozone machine is awesome it just has to be used appropriately and safely! I will be using it in a better way next time but it’s been a bit since we used it. Just gotta do things with the right process s
