Sketchy Tech Situation

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how shit goes sideways sometimes, especially in the technology world we live in!


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Sketchy Tech Situation

There are a lot of things that are annoying about the world we live in today, and one of them is how seemingly vulnerable things can be.

My wife and I have a particular way to manage our finances, and that's mainly through the use of credit cards. We use the cards as a way to do all of our daily spending and then pay that bill off twice a month so that we don't get any interest charges, and our credit score stays pretty healthy. This has worked out very well. We are also VERY careful with what we do because we don't want our information stolen!


This makes it very easy to see what can go wrong in other situations though. We had a card that was really old and one that we never use, hell we didn't even ACTIVATE the thing. Because we are very careful and specific for what we do, it makes it thankfully straight forward to see when things go amiss. With how credit cards operate these days, it's not a good idea to cancel a card if it's old because then it decreases your "credit history" which is a load of fucking shit if you ask me but I digress.

I was in my normal habit of checking the cards, and suddenly I saw a charge on one of them that I had no idea what the hell it was. I thought that it was very strange, especially because it was NOT something one would normally see that's for sure. I did some investigating and even did a web search for the place to see what the heck it was, and sure enough I got a hit. This place was geographically FAR away from where we live, although it was still in the same country. There is no reason we would ever go there, and certainly wouldn't go there without both of us going so I was pissed. I called the card company!

Talking with the services lady helped me a little bit, but it left me more confused. We realized that the person, whoever the hell they may be, had used a card that was never even activated. How the hell does someone use a card that we, the owners of said card, had never activated because we knew we would never use them? To make matters even more strange, we SHREDDED the cards because we both knew we were never going to use them, and would just eventually let the bank close the card if they complained after a few years.


This goes back to my original point. How the fuck does someone use a card that was never activated in the first place? There is something really sketchy about the whole thing, because in order to use a damn credit card you have to know ALL of the information available, including the damn security code on the back of the card.

Where this really gets annoying is that there had to have been a leak somewhere, we just don't know when or how. I have to follow up with the bank and make sure they alert others to determine if this is a larger security incident or what. Because we never used the card, activated the card or even physically did anything with the card besides shred the damn thing, the numbers were never available online cached somewhere in a form or browser.

This goes back to why we use credit cards instead of other means like a debit card. Credit cards, you have the bank to help fight with you to figure out where things went sideways. Many times, if a debit card is stolen for information the bank may or may not reimburse you for stolen funds, and you have a lot of headache to fix. With a credit card, you replace the card and most times the bank wants to keep you as a customer so they will do a lot of the legwork to get things fixed for you which is nice!


I'm not sure how this situation is going to play out but this was definitely not something we thought would happen. Hopefully we don't have anything like this happen again!

What about you, have you had your information stolen at all? What happened? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Scammers can be very crazy. How come they make use of a card that has never been activated? Well, some people get to do all those things over here and we call them Yahoo Yahoo


Yeah it doesn't make sense sadly.. we shall see how much I have to fight these jerks!


The display of beautiful pictures is quite good. I like the place like in that picture.


Internet/bank fraud is undue stress. Like you said credit card has more chance of recovery. I've never had one of those it ages, but I do hope you'll have a positive resolution.
Have a good week ahead:)))


Thanks milly! Yeah it's a lot of stress for sure which one doesn't need of course haha but oh well. I argued with one of their managers for a while on Friday and they felt it was no big deal. Obviously they are trying to cover their ass but I'm going to figure out who I can escalate this shit to, if it was a normal card info stolen by someone that found it that's one thing but we never used it and now I'm pissed they tried to brush it off as fine lol. They have a leak in their system or Joan actually mentioned it may have been an inside job which would be even worse lol


They felt it was no big deal.



That sounds serious, and I hope you get to the bottom of it, cos it does sound like they're covering up something.


So many ways used to scam cards of late, this most definitely sounds like an inside job when you never used the card.


Ugh if that's the case that's even worse lol I spoke to them the other day after I wrote this and they tried to brush it off saying no harm was done. I didn’t have the energy at the time to fight with them but today they are going to get an earful! I’m absolutely going to bring it up that either their system was compromised or it was an internal leak and sell of data illegally.


Selling of information is rife, trust no one of late!


Fortunately, I haven't had any major incidents. Over the years, there were probably two or three unauthorised transactions and I called the bank and was advised to terminate the card (and they would reissue me another one).


Like you said, situations like this are tricky. I primarily use my debit card, especially for online shopping. Similar to you, I'm very careful with my finances. I had text notifications from my bank at the time, and I received one saying an unusual transaction had been made. I went to check my history and someone had made a $130 order from a fast-food chain 2 provinces away from me 😅

No idea how it happened. Your situation is strange, as you said you need the information to unlock a new card ahead of time, mother's maiden name, etc. Our personal information must be in so many corners across the web. I suppose it's truly a matter of the wrong people getting access to it...


Yeah it’s pretty messed up! I didn’t have time to harass them today but I’m hoping to do it tomorrow lol. Sucks someone got your card info!
