RE: Enough...and a little bit of risk

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The chat bots are horse shit aren’t they? I recently had to call my mortgage company for something and I said “mortgage” and it brought me to the section. My question didn’t fit so I said agent and it sent me to an insurance agent number. I was like what the bloody fuck man, just give me a fucking human! The lady was good when I finally got her and gave her a great review and told them to get rid of their Walmart AI shit and put people back. Not likely but their stuff sucks.

I’m glad you’re able to switch, it sounds like you should hopefully get the better end of the bargain for sure in a few days and it’s actually better to buy your own modem and router. They lease it here and you end up paying more in the long run. Fuck them.

Where we live, since it’s a condo, we are locked into our specific provider even though they are worse than a horses ass. We pay extra for service speed that we absolutely don’t get. If you’re downstairs, forget trying to use the wifi. Fuckers man, the lot of them.


Oh man those chat bots need to die...and I'd be happy to provide the cause of that demise.

I think companies/corporations try to get away with it and for when they can't there's a (hopefully helpful) human waiting int he wings. I just don't get why people put up with it. We have an amazing amount of power, the people, but we choose not to use it. I don't mean pitchforks and flaming torches but we have the ability to send messages with the way we chop and spend but we don't (mostly), like people are too afraid to go without. Fuck that I say, I'm happy to move the fuck on, as per this post.

Of course, like your mortgage situation, it's not always a simple matter of pulling up stumps (a cricket term) and fucking off elsewhere, but I think you get my point; we don't have to tolerate the fuckassery, but so many sheeple do.


Sadly people don’t have the balls to do it. We did it with our credit card company this year. They wanted information they had no business in getting and I’ve been a customer of theirs for 10 years. They halted my card because I refused to give them the info so I said fuck you fine, I won’t use it and got a new one with another company. They can kiss my ass, I’m not afraid of your bullshit intimidation.

Totally random and side note though, I was cleaning today tossing some shit and I came across this old book series from when I was like 13 and you’ve been popular for decades man! Hail to the king! Lol. I'm not tossing this old relic, it's one of my favorite old series. My first exposure to cool fantasy books like Lord of the rings



Good on you for taking a stand, that's what it takes and if enough did it that would force the change.

It's always good to come across an old book from long ago...especially if it's something that has sparked an interest that still endures.


Ya I love old books. I brought it up because it said king Galen lol.

I love the smell of old books! I actually strangely remember vividly where I found this book, I wonder what the reason is for that in me in my life. It was in the attic of an old aunt I have, back when I was like 12 or 13. She had a bookcase and I was perusing the ones and saw this and took it home. I think I read it in a few days I enjoyed it so much lol I love that fantasy stuff, especially the old ones about heroic battles and wars against evil.


I saw that...I'm famous. It was also the name of a character in one of the Star Wars films, Galen Erso, played by Mads Mikkelsen. Of course, one of the apes in Planet of the Apes also shared the name, a less prestigious namesake. 😁

I hope you pass on the love of books (non digital) to your son E-dog. I think in times to come that appreciation will be rare and set a man apart in a good way.


I read him a book before bed every night, and the real paper ones. I hope he enjoys them as well, aside from me reading them. He’s not able to read just yet, on the right path but hasn’t been able to fully grasp it just yet but I make it a point for the last 5 years to read to him every night, I don’t know who enjoys it more him or I lol. I didn’t get read to as a kid and I enjoy being able to do that for the little dude.


That's a good start I think, I figure you'll help him acquire the right attributes. Those without them are going to struggle moving forward.
