Weekly Science And Technology Reports - November 26 2023


What's up guys, how many of us can't wait for this year to be gone?

If you're among, I'm sorry to spoil your optimism but do you actually think next year would be any better for you?

I'm going to repeat it again, don't just hope for it to be better, hope that it favours you. It could be better and still not favour you. 🤭
Don't say I didn't warn you.

Ok, who's hungry ?
It's feasting time. No need to worry about me, cos I have already eaten mine.
This is for you. 😉

Microbial miners take on rare-earth metals

We (humans) seem to be the only organisms that finds virtually all the elements in the periodic table - especially the metallic ones, very valuable or.......... are we the only ones?

Mining and purification of metals usually requires very complicated processes of which the byproducts (usually chemicals) may be environmentally unfriendly. What if our tiny siblings in the world of organisms could make it more easy and safer for us?
It appears we aren't the only ones interested in metals (especially rare-earth elements) and these little guys are also expert miners. So, which of these siblings are we looking at?

Yes, it's none other than........... keep reading. These guys are really talented folks, they seem to know how to do a lot of things despite being very simple.

These bats are the first mammals found to have non-penetrative mating

We call it sex (intercourse) when it comes to us but mating when it comes to non-human animals. Virtually all "mammals" are believed to engage in penetrative.......sex 😉, where the male inserts his reproductive organ into that of the female but a recent discovery may have spotted an exception and it happens to be in a certain kind of bat - yeah, that flying mouse. 🤭

It appears they are the first mammals observed that don't engage in penetrative........keep reading. I'd like to ask, when you watch animals having sex, what's it called ? - asking for a friend 😁

Unearthing how a carnivorous fungus traps and digests worms

We are aware that there are carnivorous animals, what about carnivorous plants?

Yes, you probably heard about that in your biology classes. Ok, how about carnivorous fungi ?

Probably never heard of that before. Fungi are believed to feed on decaying organic matter but it appears extreme hunger could make certain kinds go rampage and they begin to feed on animals. 😳

Hold on, it's not what you think........continue reading. Okaaay, no longer surprised, just realized that fungi are low budget plants. 🤭

Bacteria Can Store Memories And Pass Them on For Generations

The essence of memory is to store information which in turn helps to make future decisions and in animals the brain or nervous system houses the memories but must such structures be available for memories to be made in living organisms ?

This report seems to be saying "No" but that's not all.........keep reading to find out more. Imagine if humans could pass on their memories to their children, some of us wouldn't be needing school or would be doing PhDs at babyhood. 😂

The Bizarre Case of Swimming Sea Worm Butts: Nature’s Weirdest Trick

Imagine you are in your home feeling horny and the lower part of your body (from your waist down) develops a head of it's own (and probably a hand of it's own), detaches from your body and goes in search for a potential partner who also happens to be in the same mood, what's even more interesting is that you would still regrow your lower part back. 😳

That sounds like a thing of science fiction but there appears to be a certain kind of worm that behaves that way. However, there seems to be a very big mystery and it's........... keep reading. So, what are we going to call this, tele-sexing ? 😎

Researcher: Most of us have no idea what the padlock icon on our internet browser is, and it's putting us at risk

Have you ever noticed a padlock symbol on the bar containing the link of what you are searching when using a browser (like Google Chrome) ?

Nowadays, you are likely not to see the symbol because it has been replaced with some kind of distorted division sign. However, they both represent the same thing but have you wondered what they represent?

If you do, then congrats but if you don't, then I think now is the best time to......find out. 😉

It is here we conclude today's report, have a thoughtful day and till i come your way again next week.

Thank you all once again for stopping by to read my jargons and also thank you @stemng, @lemouth and the @Steemstem team for your valuable supports.


Lastly, please don't forget to do the needful
If you enjoyed my jargons.

Background image source by @doze


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