RE: Ayurvedic Architecture and it's evident strength.

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I do not bear a grudge towards most new generations of british either, but there are still a lot of British and Europeans still trying to destroy the earth for their greed- just think of BP, Rio Tinto, BHP, Shell, Chevron and the list goes it's not us against any nation or race, it's about us trying to abolish Fossil fuel mining and coal fired power stations, nuclear development for every reason, etc in favour for actual real sustainable energy and infrastructural technologies. and that's why we have to unite to change their perceptions of the negative long term impacts of their current processes on the future of the earth and humanity on it.


That is so true, we need to put a barrier on natural material's exploitation and work towards betterment of nature and surroundings.


Yes absolutely.

What human beings are lacking these days, like that chain we are talking about, is joining the dots, re-linking action to reaction to action and so on and so forth.

Even with Renewable energy technology, people aren't joining the dots there either.

As an example, many now want to abolish fossil fuel mining and coal fired powers stations and just want renewable enerygy tech like solar, turbine, etc, but what they don't think about- join the dots, is the amount of iron ore from the fossil fuel mining to get the steel to make those giant wind turbines and how do they melt that iron ore, but coal fired power stations...However, there are many other better renewable energy technologies like this one here and I'm sure that you know about this too...
