Banking website : part one

Screenshot (34).png

Good day tech Enthusiast , i hope we are all doing great , so today i will be starting a new project. Like i mentioned earlier , the reason for engaging in all these projects is to actually strengthen my JavaScript skills .

Well i have been upgrading my JavaScript skills by learning more about array methods like

the splice() , Slice(), reduce(),concat(),map(),filter(),forEach(),some(),every(),sort(),reverse(),fill(),Array.from(),with(),At(), and a lots more.

so i decided to engage in this project so as to hone my skills of these array methods.

So as usual , i went to dribble and searched for banking website , i saw a lot of them but the particular picture caught my attention. It was posted by phenomenon studios at


  1. is for the simplicity
  2. is for the color combination
  3. for the arrangements.

my goal is to recreate something close to this as the user interface and the use my javascript to add to interactions like '
a) user login
b)transfer of money
c) request of loans
d) closing of account
e) maybe another idea that might come to my mind as we progress.

so i started of by inputing the needed html codes as can be seen below

Screenshot (34).png

Then went ahead to use CSS to to make some stylings

Screenshot (35).png

These are my result so far , it is still a work in progress

Screenshot (33).png

thanks for stopping by.

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