


Today, let's talk about the origin of the universe and the fate of mankind. The Big Bang theory is now generally accepted. Our universe was born out of a highly energy-dense state, the Big Bang. As the universe cooled, stars, planets and life formed. Ordinary people have this question: If the universe had a birth moment, the Big Bang, then what was before the Big Bang? The standard answer to this question is Hawking's words: this question is a false proposition, because time and space were born out of the Big Bang, so there is no "before the Big Bang" point in time. This is like asking "What is south of the South Pole", because you are standing at the South Pole and whichever direction you go is north of you, so there is no such thing as "south of the South Pole". Not everyone agrees, of course. Roger Penrose, also a Nobel laureate, argued that the universe is a cyclic body and that before the Big Bang, there was another universe that had its own big Bang. And the recently launched Webb Space Telescope, which looked at the infancy of the universe after the Big Bang, has found some interesting things. One of them is the existence of mature galaxies with structures similar to the Milky Way in the early universe. According to the current theory, known as the Big Bang theory, the universe should not have such mature galaxies at this time. While this is not conclusive proof that there were other universes before ours, it does at least show that existing theories of how the universe formed have holes and flaws.

So, what does the cyclic universe theory look like? According to the previous understanding, the universe is currently expanding, and perhaps at some stage in the future, the universe will begin to contract again, and eventually come together again into a singularity, which is the next big Bang. This theory sounds scientific, but it's actually very similar to the Buddhist concept of reincarnation. But now there seems to be a problem: astronomical observations have found that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, and this acceleration is driven by an unknown type of dark energy. Dark energy drives the expansion of space, and if it doesn't disappear, the expansion of the universe will continue indefinitely. So how can the universe compress, retract, and reassemble into a singularity? However, Penrose proposed a "conformal cyclic universe" theory. Today, I listened to the explanation of a program and seemed to understand some. Because in this theory, the universe doesn't have to contract again, so it's kind of shocking, but it's interesting. People who think about the beginning of the universe always look back in time to the Big Bang, and even to the moments before the Big Bang. Penrose's theory, on the other hand, pushed the time back infinitely far into the future. Everything in this world has a lifespan, and the sun will become a red giant in a few billion years, which may engulf the Earth, or if it doesn't, it will bake the Earth dry, and then any life will be impossible. The Sun will eventually die out and become a White Dwarf. Stars larger than the Sun, on the other hand, collapse into black holes. Perhaps in a few billion years, the stars of the entire galaxy will die, turning into black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs, and the black holes will devour other stars. After a long, long time, black holes were the only objects left in the universe. However, according to Hawking's theory, black holes produce Hawking radiation and slowly evaporate, although this process is very slow, but even the most massive black holes will eventually evaporate. If even black holes disappeared, what would be left of the universe? That's right, the photons from those black holes that evaporate. In other words, the last survivors in the universe will be a sea of photons. Anyone who has read Einstein's theory of relativity knows that it concludes that time and space expand and contract with changes in speed. Simply put, the faster the speed, the slower the experience of time; The faster the speed, the space will also compress the moving object. Once the speed of light is reached, time ceases to exist for the person moving it. Similarly, if the speed reaches the speed of light, the distance in space will also contract to zero for the person moving. So, if only photons were left in the universe, then neither time nor space would exist, and wouldn't that be a return to the state before the Big Bang?
