My Experience with Computer Viruses
It is worth noting that when I started studying computing it was through a computer operator course at the institution called Fundación Universidad de Carabobo, I remember that at that time the operating systems were an interface in which one interacted with pure commands, which had to be learned by heart, the operating system we had was MSDos, with a boot disk that was inserted into the 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 disk drive, these were constantly damaged due to viruses that damaged the boot file and the solution was to format the disk with a command and copy the operating system files again.
Shortly after, an operating system with a graphical interface called Windows 3.1 appeared. Here, everything was easier when it came to creating folders, deleting, renaming files, among other things that were previously done with commands, but computer viruses also caused great damage to this operating system. One of the main causes is when we as users have a disk and we insert it into another computer, which immediately contaminates the disk with these malicious viruses.
These viruses also infected the Windows operating system boot files, preventing the system and all applications from loading. Fortunately, there was a solution to this situation: antivirus software. One of my favorites was Karpesky. I downloaded a free version from the web that eliminated some viruses, but then, once the test was over, it did not update.
In view of this situation, I was forced to buy the original license for the antivirus program. Once I installed it, this antivirus lasted for one year, during which my computer was protected from any virus, since it was updated daily with the list of viruses to detect and eliminate them from the computer. One of the recommendations that we should take into account is to have an updated antivirus and if we are going to insert a pendrive or a device, we have to check it with the antivirus to prevent your computer from being contaminated again.
In my space where I work all the computers have the Linux Debian operating system, every time the teachers make a document that was entered into another computer they get infected with viruses, but in this type of Linux systems we can see when the files are duplicated and strange files appear, what I do is delete those files and also place the documents in a new folder and in this way I eliminate the virus in Linux, without using antivirus programs which is a great advantage.
Finally, it is important to have an antivirus on your computer and if you are going to open any document, check it with the antivirus first to be sure not to damage the operating system. I hope you liked my experience with computer viruses.If you want to participate in this initiative, these are the bases
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It is very interesting this topic you talk about, it is a common problem that most of the people who uses windows have, I can tell you from my experience that the computer I have with linux never had problems with virus, so this operating system is very secure, on the contrary with the computer I have with Windows too many virus.
If it is correct, the proprietary system like Windows suffers a lot of problems with viruses, but with Linux there is no problem because it is free software.
De verdad que es desde hace tiempo un tema polémico, según el Windows 10 trae un buen antivirus contra los llamados troyanos, los niños con su curiosidad siempre descargan contenido de internet sin saber los peligros o el daño que pueden ocasionar a sus equipos.
Profe te invito a ver un resumen en video de la ceremonia donde estuvimos este día lunes todos los docentes villacuranos. Bendiciones!
Si así es amigo, al descargar información podemos contaminar la computadora sino tenemos un buen antivirus, saludos amigo.
If that is the case my friend, when downloading information we can contaminate the computer if we do not have a good antivirus, greetings my friend.
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