Why disqualify as an option that justifies our failures?

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Disqualifying other people as a complement to justify how bad we are doing, because I think it is something that should not be done, because instead of improving our critical situation, what it can do is make it worse.

I have been following up on this type of aptitude, and I really see disqualification as a defense mechanism that does not help the person who is doing wrong, simply if we are doing things wrong, the important thing is to admit the mistakes, rectify, learn from the mistakes and continue the fight.

When we simply see another person disqualifying another person, to simply justify stopping his or her advancement, it is because perhaps without knowing it, that person is giving irreversible proof of the admission of his or her life failures.

If we simply start from the idea that our successes and failures do not depend on the success or failure of others, then from that very moment we will begin to build beautiful things where it does not matter if we have to disqualify others.
