What did we fail to do in order not to achieve success?

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Sometimes some people without realizing it end up being their own worst enemies, because without realizing it they start to self-sabotage their lives and that in turn make their way to the fulfillment of some life goals, which although planned never come to fruition.

There is no life recipe to be successful, perhaps some people think so, however thinking from that point of view what it does is to show our weaker side in relation to thinking that everything in life is easy, and it is not so, since every triumph is related to a series of sacrifices that make the bitter becomes sweet at the end of the road.

If everyone in the world knew the magic recipe for success, then there would be a road to success blocked and obstructed by so many people wanting to transmit, the reality is that each person must lose the fears that limit him, we must try as many times as necessary, if we make mistakes we must get up and keep trying if necessary, but not necessarily because that is the road to success, but perhaps we will reach success as long as we know that the road to success is carved by ourselves and in our own particular way.

I close this reflection telling you that the reason why we become the culprits of not being successful, is because the first times we make mistakes or it seems very easy to walk the path, we come and give up and the same pessimism of thinking that it is not worth to keep trying, makes it impossible to be successful, so my advice is to never give up and be ourselves the saboteurs of the road to success.
