Understanding the occurrence of things in our lives is only a matter of time


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How much time has to pass before we understand what has happened to us in our present?

Everything that happens to us today, even if it has no logical explanation at the moment, sooner or later it will have one for us, that is why we always hear people say: “what happens is always the best, and even if we do not understand it at the moment, later we will understand it”.

If something bad or something good happens to us but without any apparent reason, and no matter how many explanations we look for and we do not get it, what is certain is that we should not despair and be distressed by such a situation, logically if what has happened to us is something bad we are going to be distressed, But only the passing of time will show us the reasons for what happened in the past, and that in spite of how bad it was at that moment, later we will realize that this event could have served us as a learning experience for a whole teaching process, which perhaps was hidden during all the later years of life.

The things that happen to us in our lives can happen for various reasons, for example something bad can happen to us for being disobedient, or because another person set a trap for us because he wants something bad for us, however the real reason is that when something happens to us regardless of the reasons, it happens to us for one reason only, it is for us to learn along the way, as I mentioned before, we may not understand it at the time, but after so many experiences and experiences gained in the process we will arrive at the exact moment where everything will make sense to us.

When we are children we do not like to be scolded or reprimanded by our parents, no matter what we do, but we do not like the claims or punishments of our parents, nor do we understand why our parents act that way with us, however as time goes by and we are more mature and we understand life from a different position, We manage to understand that all those scoldings from our parents and the times they punished us were only for our own good, and that if we became successful it was because perhaps in the past our parents had to correct us and not please us in everything.

The time to understand the reasons for the occurrence of any event in the present is something that depends on several factors, it can take a long time for us to realize why something happened to us in the past, as it can also take little time to finish understanding what has happened to us, the important thing is to live reflecting every moment to make the best decisions and develop sufficient maturity so that no matter how much time we take to understand something, in the end we always understand that the best thing is what happens to us no matter how bad it may seem.
