This is a stage in my life where I have to learn to prioritize

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It is no secret that in our lives there comes a time when we feel that we do not have enough time to do everything we have to do, especially if there are many commitments that we have to fulfill, however the lack of time should not be an excuse for us to achieve our goals, that is why in my case I have reached a point where I think I have to learn to prioritize the most relevant aspects, since I am aware that I will not have time to do everything I want to do, then you have to learn to prioritize, in my case there are aspects of my life that have more relevance than others, so it is essential for me to learn to prioritize.

Once I have identified the importance of being able to prioritize in my life, it is necessary that I can make a list of important aspects and mark only those that have the highest priority, such as my family, fulfillment of life goals, fulfillment of work and family responsibilities, among others. Once these aspects are marked, it is important that you can make a commitment and respect the order of priorities previously selected, as it can mean an order and discipline to the proposed changes.

Perhaps in the past this need was not so important, since those were other times where technology was not as advanced as today, so the current demands have required me to have a rhythm to act where everything seems to go faster. Being able to assume this distortion of time and space has led me to make the decision to have to prioritize, living in such an accelerated life leads me to a constant stress, so I think that a little order would make the stress can dissipate.

To close with this reflection, what I can tell you is that my life needs changes, I have to choose between a diversity of options, because prioritizing between the current demands and what I think I really need, will make me have to decline for some selections that will improve my health and happiness, so I may have to sacrifice some things that may be of interest, but I believe that health and happiness comes first.


I love your reflection about it 💗


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