The nature of reality in different perceptions


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The questions and concerns that man has had throughout its history has been able to guide humanity towards a philosophical thinking that addresses the complexity of the facts in a real environment but also in scenarios that are not so perceptible, the pure nature of the real is only limited by what our senses can capture, so if there is something in our senses that we can not grasp then it will be real or fictitious?

There are two questions I want to address:

Is the material world all that exists, or is there something beyond what is perceptible by the senses?

For our limited perception of reality I believe that yes, it is almost impossible for the human being to perceive something beyond what concerns existence than the material world, we only believe in what we can touch or see, we would have to transcend to other planes of knowledge to address other realities that escape our senses and our ability to understand other realities more than those seen by our senses.

There are small cases of people who have been able to transcend the spiritual and see realities different from the material reality that we live in this earthly plane, but based on their testimonies the human being has not been able to build a solid foundation on which to demonstrate the truths of realities that go beyond our senses.

Are we purely material beings or is there a spiritual or mental dimension?

This question is closely linked to the previous one, since if we answer that if we are purely material beings, it is because we do not accept a reality or dimension different from the material reality, however if we accept that we can transcend to a spiritual or mental dimension different from the material one in which we live, then there are no convincing elements to prove it.

The important thing about this diatribe is that philosophy allows us to approach this subject in a much broader way than science could, since science would simply leave it aside because it cannot be comprehensible, while philosophy approaches it from a human perspective, from what the human being feels, lives and thinks.

When we sleep, we manage to have dreams that seem as real as if we had really lived them, however what we do know is that it is impossible that it was reality because our body has been sleeping, what leads us to think this is that they ask to exist diverse planes of the reality and that in the end all converge in the existence of a person but manifested in diverse planes of the reality, happening from mental planes to those of the most natural reality that is the materialistic one.
