Reflecting on school recognition



About a year ago I received this recognition from the fifth year high school students of the private educational unit Anibal Rodriguez, a recognition that expresses their gratitude to me for teaching them with a deep humanistic sense and empathy.

In reality they were incredible students, of whom perhaps at the beginning of the school year I did not expect so much from them, however they showed me to be noble, committed and above all understanding. I always tried to instill values in them that go far beyond academics, such as the value of empathy, love for others, and above all to help those who need it most.

At present I am culminating the current school year, the graduation ceremony is scheduled for August 1st of this year, I do not know if I will receive any recognition from the fifth year students, however the best recognition that they can give me is that they carry in their minds and spirits all the good humanist values that I taught them for this school year, and also that all that academic knowledge imparted can develop it in a great way for the profession they decide to study and that they can also forge a successful professional future.
