Media elements influencing a personality that makes individual differences

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What generates individual differences between people?

The personality that we can express in any area of our lives is very important to understand human behavior under different circumstances to the point that human personality has been a field of study and concern throughout our history.

It is very common to hear since we are children that all people are different and it is normal that we differ from each other, however it is very interesting to know what is that trait that helps all people to be different.

I believe that the trait that helps us to differentiate ourselves is personality, and the fact is that nobody likes to stand out in something because they look like someone else, human worth lies in the fact that we can have merits because of the way we are, and that only has a place in the most genuine expression of our personality, personality is that just and necessary element that makes individual differences between people exist.

Why are there people so different even though they have grown up in the same environment?

Human beings by nature have free will, this means that we have the right to choose without impositions, this feature makes that everyone can forge a personality that differentiates him from another person regardless of whether the environment where they have been formed are the same.

Is personality something that is already defined at birth or is it modified with time?

What I think is that genetic inheritance is influential, but not in its totality, that is to say, a great part of the responsibility for one's own personality is also due to the life experiences that a particular person has to live.

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Personality plays a significant role, but emotions are also important because they shape your personality, making it either harsh or gentle. Having fewer emotions can make your personality appear rude while being emotionally observant and empathetic can make you kinder towards others.

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Certainly emotions shape our personality, so I believe that as long as we can manage our emotions correctly we can build a personality to suit our needs. Greetings and thanks for commenting.

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