Living in the shadows of misunderstanding

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How many stages of our lives do we live being misunderstood?

There are many, for example when we are born we have difficulty learning things that later as adults become very easy, however in the process of adaptation we are misunderstood, and it is normal, because what our parents expect from us is a learning that allows us to be independent and help us to adapt a behavior that is close to the normal behavior of an adult.

When we have finished being understood and we have finished adopting a behavior that is considered normal by the standards of society, we enter a phase where incomprehensibility takes the highest values, and this is when we try to be understood and to understand others in a context of unconditional love.

If we are needed, we are ready to offer our help unconditionally, but then when this happens we are ready to experience disappointments, and if the expectations and demands are placed on us, then we can be the ones who disappoint ourselves.

In a back and forth of disappointments I have come to conclude that there is no real need for other people to be disappointed in us, nor is there a context where everything outside of us disappoints us. Instead of entering into this context of disappointments, the ideal is to analyze life in two large groups:

  • The one who is disappointed in us: generally the one who is disappointed in us is because he knows us, that is to say, he knows our strengths and our weaknesses, then I believe that those people should not expect anything that is not within our strengths, since outside there are only our weaknesses, so I came to the conclusion that in many occasions we live a life where we are misunderstood unnecessarily.

  • When we are disappointed in others: it is useful to think in a simple way, it is better not to expect anything from anyone, it is better to live admiring that person who impresses us with good things and not expect anything from anyone.

Those who live life trying to demonstrate the different ways in which they can be understood, are people who at the end of the road will be disappointed, because they will not be understood, and all that time trying to be understood will be wasted.

On the contrary, the best thing to do is to live life with simplicity, to show the simplest part of ourselves without complications, and we will surely be more understood than misunderstood.

Many people have even let us know that they do not want to live by our side, that they are even willing to forget the roads we have traveled, to a certain point we can understand the anger and even other reasons of all those who have been frustrated in a disappointment that for us results in misunderstanding.

In the end we have to live life with inexplicable forgetfulness, and we can even forget all those years of misunderstanding, where we do not even care about the feelings of guilt, in the end we will almost never like it no matter how much effort we show.


People will always be disappointed in us, even in our most successful ways, because their disappointments are based on their expectations of us. So if we cannot exceed their expectations, we aren't good enough for them. That's why it is a must that we do not absorb people's opinions. Let them be disappointed. Let them. Because the most important thing that you need to do is not prove your worth to them but prove your worth to yourself.
