Influence of guilt in my life

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Who hasn't felt guilt at some time in their life?

In particular, guilt is a feeling that has been sporadically in my life, and the reason why guilt has come into my life occasionally is because I have learned that I should not feel guilty all the time, but then, I have learned that I should feel guilty all the time:

How do we know when not to feel guilty?

It is important to interpret our environment, there are circumstances in nature and our surroundings that make harmful events occur and that are not our fault but it seems that they were, for this it is important to analyze the environment and to realize that it is not our fault.

In my particular case after evaluating an event I analyze the various alternatives of the events in which someone has been harmed, or failing that if things do not go as I want also evaluated if it is my fault or if it is not, it is always important analysis and subsequent evaluation, because not in all circumstances we end up being guilty of what we sometimes think we are.

If in my life I had not used the method of analysis and subsequent evaluation, I believe that there would have been many episodes of demotivation, depression and deep sadness felt by believing guilty, but the reality is that after I have been able to analyze and evaluate these circumstances, I have realized that if I have been guilty, but in very few circumstances in the various events of my daily life.


I was there for so damn long, man... Guilt could kill you, let me assure you that. So, moving on from that, it's a big step, an important one!


Hi friend, certainly being able to move from a feeling of guilt that weighs us down to a clearer and more compelling acceptance is a big step to emotional peace of mind. Greetings and thanks for reading and commenting on this post.


No need to do that (thanking me). Guilt is a phase, a state of mind. The important thing is move on, learn from the experience and not letting that feeling consumes you.
